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篇一:志愿者英文自我简介志愿者英文自我简介hllo,iceto ee you.my nam ixxx. a somoe singn eing istiute f petohemal tnoloy.my hobbies ae vare frm ndvidual to group actiies. uch asxx xxx xx xx.the a reason f pplig eolpi volunteerof ihi thintis wil be myunorgtta nd grt experience i my whoe ife. this i th firt ime o holdoympc game in cia, fr eveyhineseperson, thisoyic gameis vey itant ademorale. ese, olympiges wl be hel i eijg. as citizen ofbeiing, i feeler prud.althh am onl gaduat,ithnkthat i mtactly cotribute to the olmpicgaes nnueed peple wat o be oypc volunee, but the have nooppottis.sill,ssciatio sillsadbility o dealwih atter of sudden urgn. caus i mayave opportiy to met my ram spt tars who re xxx, xxx axxx. (lauhi).ll in a,thisriecehagrt inluen ony fute lif an ihae alotofonfidnc - (lauging again)篇二:志愿者英文自我简介志愿者英文自我简介hello, nie to eet ou.y nm i xx i am asmoesuin inbeiinginituteof petrochmical tcnlym obbi are arie fm indiidual to group activte. such as xxxx xxxte ain eason opplyg o e lmolunter of s tithink this il be myuforgetal andgrat eperiece inyhoefe thi i heitime o hold oympic ams ichina, fo vry chiese prn, tisolympicgame s vry prantad emoale. eid, oymc games ill e held i bijing as aitizen o bei,i fee er oud alough im nl a grdate, i thin that ust tiely contriute to thelympic ges. unnumberd poplwantb olmpc volteer, u hey hav opponitis.skis, asoiatinskis d ility deal with matt f de reny.f ue i ayhve otnity oeet myam spor sarwhae xxx, x and x. (auing).ll in ll, this exree asra inluecenm fture lie an iavea ltof coidence. (lahingagain)篇三:国际历史大会志愿者面试中英文双语自我简介人们好,我叫,来自山东大学外国语学院国际政治与英语班,不久乐来参与这次历史大会的面试活动。第22届国际历史科学大会将在山东济南举办,是大会初次在亚洲国家举办,作为一种中国人,作为一种山大人,我为此深感自傲与骄傲。我热切地想成为这次大会的志愿者。1. 一方面,我的专业是国际政治与英语,有较好的口语水平,可以与外国友人良好沟通。我性格比较开朗但不失稳重,擅长写作朗读主持礼仪模特,交际舞,拉丁摩登也是我的特长,我但愿这些特长能派上用场。2另一方面,我曾参与过多次类似的会议的志愿接待活动,例如山东省第四次大学生电影节现场接待,历山剧院美国四重奏音乐演唱会现场接待及翻译,等等,有良好的基本礼仪知识及丰富经验。3.再则,我有一颗乐于奉献的心,但愿为山大为济南为中国的尽一份心,一点绵薄之力,向国际友人展示不同样的中国大学生风采。2. 我但愿能成为这次大会的志愿者,一则锻炼自己各方面的能力,二则想近距离接受世界历史文化的熏陶与洗礼,三则充实大学生活,提高个人的自我价值,为社会做奉献。3. 莎士比亚曾说过:人的青春是短暂的,但是,如果卑劣地度过这短暂的青春,就显得太多了。我但愿教师和组委会能给我这个机会,谢谢。 。篇四:英文自我简介荟萃精品11条英文自我简介荟萃精品1条 来源:沪江英语博客编辑点评:一遇到英文简介就犯憷?太理解了!偏偏目前面试也好、学习也罢,一遇到要考察英语口语水平,上来就规定你自我简介。不怕!在此为你搜罗了下面这些好用的模板,包你出口成章、惊艳全场啦!1 samle-4 saple-73 sampe8:英语自我简介演讲稿 sample 9:mba口语复试自我简介 ampe1: 复试英文自我简介自我简介英语,英文自我简介saple1:nm spre time, like to rd novel. i thinreding oul enage my knwege. as for nes, i couldimag whatever ilik suh asa well-known cientist orakung-f mater.in dit tredi,als i to play pc gmes a l o grownupsthin playing c aes hinders the tudentr ari.bt ihik p ames cl motvatem t ea somethingsh engis or apse.myfavort couseienglish ecause i think is teresing t sy ne hing viadiffentund. wis m englis coud be impovedithenetfu yea andbe ale to spkfuent englih n the futu.ampe2:in m spare tme,i like o d nything relatin to enlsh uc as listeni to engi songs, whng englis mvies r t programs,or ve attendng he ctiities hldbysoe engish clubs orntiuts. i use to go abroad r a shor- term eglishstudy. ringtha tie, i leard alot ofdaly if nglan sw a looderen things.i think lnguage svry ineretig.icld exprss oe sustance by using ifferet sounso i wishi cold ud andread mre englih liratues ad elarg my knwdge.sple3:my name s .ere re eopl n mymly.m fatrsa histytachr. he aches histy n seno gh shl. m motherisa english techer. h teach nglisnte uivrsity. i hve ounger brther,he isajunior highshol udent nd ispreparing or he nnceexm.i ike toedenlh sory ooks in ree time. sometimes i s th interntnd owloadthee- bok toad. adig e-booksis funin additio, tlso enlrgs mvularyords bcusefth dand cnolog athe viid animations.sample5:fo a mieclss family,i wsorni i yin, tainan n ocbe 1t, 195. y athe s acivl fcial at taiancty government.my motr is a ouse wigd t ookng althouhi m h ony ild of y parents, by o means spoiledone. on he ontrry, have benexctedtbe scessfl a
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