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Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 1 Its taller than many other buildings.课型Listening and speaking教学目标Knowledge: To understand the conversation about the comparison of two cities To talk about and compare two different cities or placesKey vocabulary: hill, population, wide, million, than, getKey structures: so its a newer city than Hong Kong? it will become as busy as Hong Kong. Whats the population of Shenzhen? Its streets are much wider and cleaner too. Its taller than many other buildings 教学重点(1) 通过对话谈论比较两个城市 (2) 掌握形容词比较级规则,形式及其使用教学难点学会运用形容词的比较级谈论和比较两个城市的不同点教学方法PWP Communicative教学用具Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教学过程Preparation Show the students pictures of a city and a village. Elicit some words to describe them and write the words on the board. Repeat the words on the board with the class chorally. Ask some questions about the city and the village. Tell the students to use the words on the board to help them answer the questions. Elicit more words if necessary. Put the students in pairs to describe the city and the village.l. Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you. Tell the students to look at the two pictures and say what the similarities and differences are. Ask them to look at and repeat the words in the box together. Ask them to describe the cities in the pictures in pairs, using the words in the box. Draw a table on the board. Ask the students to copy it and fill it in with adjectives to describe the cities (see below).CityShanghaiHong KongDescription Elicit their adjectives and write them on the board.Now listen and complete. Play the recording. Tell the students to listen and check the words they hear describing each city. Play the recording again and ask them to complete the notes. Elicit answers from the class. Put the students into groups to describe one of the cities. Tell them to use their own words.2. Listen and read. Introduce the comparative by asking if Hong Kong and Shanghai are the same or different and how. Write the sentences on the board and then list the adjectives and their comparatives as they come up (e.g. small-smaller; quiet -quieter; old-older). Ask the students to repeat the sentences, the adjectives and their comparatives chorally and individually. Ask them to look at the spelling of the comparatives and summarise how comparative adjectives are formed. Ask the class questions to compare two places. Put the students in pairs to ask and answer. Tell them to use the information in Activity I to ask questions about Shanghai and Hong Kong. Elicit some examples in pairs. Write some comprehension questions on the board and tell the students to find out the answers while listening and reading. Play the recording and ask the students to read the conversation as they listen. Elicit answers to the questions around the class. Ask the students to practise the conversation in different roles.Now complete the passage about Shenzhen. Ask the students what information about Shenzhen theyve got from the conversation. Ask them to complete the passage with the information. Tell them to check their answers with a partner. Elicit answers from the whole class.3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words In the box. You need to use some of the words more than once. Tell the students to read the sentences and think about which word should be chosen for each sentence, whether the word should be changed and how. Ask them to complete the sentences individually. Remind them to be careful of the spelling. Ask them to check answers with their partners. Elicit answers from me whole class in full sentences.Key words and expressions1. in the 1980sin the 1980s 表示“20世纪80年代”。“ in + the + 时间s” 表示 “在某年代或特定世纪某年代”。如: Cars of this kind were made in the 1930s. 这种汽生产于二十世纪三十年代。 Great changes have taken place in China in the 1980s. 二十世纪八十年代中国发生了巨大变化。( ) My uncle moved to London _ A. in the fifties B. in the 1980s C. in his fifty D. in 1980s2. populationpopulation n. 人口 是一个集体名词,当其用作主语时, 谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。如: The population of Paris is 7 million. 巴黎的人口有七百万。 注意: 表示人口的“多”或“少”, 要用large或small, 不能用much或little。如: China has a large population. 中国人口多。拓展 表达“某地有多少人口”通常有两种方法: The population of + 某地+ be + 数词。如: The population of Shanghai is 13 million. 上海的人口有一千三百万。 某地+ has a population of +数词。如: Shanghai has a population of 13 million. 上海有一千三百万人。Practice 请根据上句改写下句,使上下两句意思相同或相近。1. Whats the population of Japan? _ people _ in Japan? Whats the _ the people in Japan?2. The number of the people in our cit
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