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人教版pep(三年级起点)(2012教材)小学三上 Unit 5 Lets eat! Period Six 同步练习一、选择正确的字母将单词补充完整。br_ _d h _ t d _ g c_ k_ m_ l_C_k_ j_ _ce w_ t_r r_ c_o, eo,oaei, euieai ka, e二、看图读句子,并判断对错。Pour (倒)the water. ( ) Show me the milk.( ) Drink the Coke. ( ) Have some eggs. ( ) Drink the water.( ) Show me the bread.( ) 三、读句子,将句子与相应的图片连接。Color the rice orange. Color the juice yellow. Color the bread red. Color the milk white. Color the fish blue. Color the bread brown. 答案:一、bread(ea) hotdog(o,o) cake(a, e) milk (i,k) Coke (o, e) juice (ui) water(a, e) rice (i,e)二、1. 错 2. 错 3. 对 4. 错 5. 对 6. 错。三、略。
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