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牛津高中英语模块5复习 单词拼写(Unit 1-3)Unit 1 1. A good friend must be honest, kind and have a sense of h_.2. Those who b_ their countries will be hated by all the people.3. Maybe I should tell them , so they wont b_ me for keeping a secret.4. After getting to the 8th floor, he p_ for a while and then continued climbing.5. He achieved w_ fame after he won the gold medal in the Olympic Games.6. The plans that we have made should be put into p_.7. When we are young ,we should go to the c_ to see the clowns and the performing animals.8. My English teacher should ask us to answer an a_ problem that we would race to work out in our heads.9. All her worries and a_ made her look pale.10. Some of the young have the wrong a_ towards the disabled people.11. You should do it without h_. 12. I protested but she carried on r_.13. Be c_ about the possible dangers.14. People have different a_ towards the issue.15. She r_ to my letter with a phone call.16. Generally speaking, a successful scientist should be both academic and _(思维开放的).17. I am looking for friends who are _ (诚实的) and _ (乐意助人的).18. His speech is really long and _(枯燥的).19. We had a long conversation because my friend is a very _(爱说话的) person.20. I noticed that the old man was sometimes very _(固执的) at the beginning, but later on I found him very _(热心肠的).Unit21. The two sides had a fierce d before they reached an agreement.2. There are no factories in the area, so there is no I pollution.3. These measures are very b , youd better take them.4. It is o that he knows nothing about what has happened, you may tell him now.5In order to study the s in Russia, Marx began to learn Russian in his sixties.6. The (环境)pollution here is very serious, which the government should not take no notice of.7. Frankly speaking, I did it out of my (愿意).8. (除了)remembering new words, we should do more reading aloud in the morning.9. I am glad to see many of you have made (稳定)progress this term.10.There are a variety of gases in the (大气).11. What Liu Xiang did at the Olympic Games excited the whole n .12. It is a s_ to cheat in the exams.13. They were talking across the garden f .14. Because of the heavy rain the l of the lake has risen 6 inches.15. At what age does an elephant reach full ?16. Too much work and too little rest often (导致) to illness.17. Now in the USA ,he has come to realize the (重要性)of English.18. Plastics today contribute to a wide (范围) of industries.19. Thats just because you cant (欣赏) music.20. The (使用) of some English words are difficult to learn.21. Now its time (自由发言),you may air your opinions freely.22. I am afraid we will have to stop at the gas station, we will (用完) the oil.23. Which of the s of the four is true according the passage.24. We shall start upon the a of the last guest.25. Most students are working hard, some of them have already made r progress.26. His efforts finally (导致结果) his great success.27. Some naughty boy cant _(集中)what the teachers say in class, they are often absent-minded.28. As is known to all ,it is (非法的) to hunt wildlife.29. He can earn money himself, he no longer needs to_ (依靠) his parents.30. Students are required to watch c_ when doing chemical experiment.Unit3 1. The young man stole into the flat with the i_ of getting some food.2. After a week of confusion, the order of the town began to return to n_.3. After the long holiday, his professional life was surprisingly t .4. Almost everyone has b_ from this great invention of Edisons.5. Two hundred people lost their homes as a direct c of the storm.6. As the old saying goes, failure is the mother of s_.7. With everything p_ in place, the chairman announced the opening of the meeting.8. I can feel peoples a for the war to end.9. Whats the matter with him? Hes b_ strangely these days.10. Being a c_ driver, he never takes any risks.11. The key to _ (限制) air pollution is strict regulation on private cars.12. The m of the websites are accessible free of charge.13. This is no joking. You must take it _ (认真).14. Thousands of children were a by foreign families after the war.15. We should never toy with the customers only for economic p .16. GM food is claimed to be of m_ benefit to man: you dont need to take medicine any more.
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