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2022年考研英语冲刺:考研英语固定词组搭配(三)162 cut away 砍掉163 cut down 削减164 cut off 打断,中断165 cut out 删掉166 dedicate to 奉献167 depend on 依靠,依靠168 die back 枯死169 die down 渐渐消逝;止息170 die off 相继死去171 die out 消逝;死绝172 difference in 在方面的差异173 do something for/to 改良,增加174 doubt about 疑心175 due to 由于,由于176 dwell on 利用177 enter for 报名参与178 enter into 开头 (谈话,争论)179 entertain a proposal 情愿考虑这一建议180 entertain an idea 抱着一种想法181 even if 甚至,即使182 even though (虽然,尽管)表让步183 ever since(自从之后,从今以后)表时间184 faithful to 忠心于185 fall from 从落下186 far from 毫不,远非187 favor of 喜爱188 figure out 计算出189 find out 查明190 focus on 集中于,集中讨论191 followed by 接着是192 for all 尽管193 for example 举例来说194 for instance 和 such as 都表示举例,前者常接句子,后者常接名词或名词短语195 for instance 例如196 for the purpose of 为了目的197 for the sake of 为了起见198 frankly speaking 坦白来说199 freedom from 免于(的自由)200 from all appearances 从所能见到和所能知道的状况推断201 from all sides 从四周八方,全面地202 from now on 从现在开头203 from/by all accounts 依据方面所说204 gather up 捡起,集拢205 generally speaking一般来说206 get along with 进展,相处融洽207 get away 逃脱,离开208 get away with 幸运逃脱,逃脱惩罚209 get down to 开头,着手210 get in 进入,收获,收集211 give in 妥协,让步,投降,屈服212 give off 放出,释放213 give out 分发,放出214 give something away 泄露215 give up 停顿,放弃216 give way 让路,让步217 go beyond 超越,超过218 go by 从旁走过,顺访219 go for 追求220 go in 进入,参与221 go through 经受222 hand on 传下来,依次传递223 hand out 分发,散发224 hand over 交出,移交225 have a bearing on 与有关系226 have difficulty with 与有分歧,相处不好227 hold back 踌躇,退缩,阻挡228 hold down 掌握229 hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚持230 hold on 连续,握住不放,坚持231 hold out 维持,伸出,提出,坚持232 hold up 保持良好,停顿;阻滞233 hold up 举起,承载,阻挡234 if only(要是该多好,)表虚拟235 in use 在使用
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