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Unit Two Colours教学内容:A Lets learn Lets do教学目标:1、能听说和认读red、green、blue、yellow四个表示颜色的单词。2、能听懂指令性语言“Show me”并做出相应的动作。3、能用“I like”句型说出自己喜欢的颜色。教学重点:掌握red、green、blue、yellow这四个表示颜色的单词。教学难点:听懂指令性语言“Show me”并作做出正确的反应。教具准备:录音机、颜色卡片、蜡笔或彩笔等文具教学过程: Warm-up1、GreetingsHello,boys and girls!Are you ready for our class?First,lets enjoy a song.“Colour song”2、Lead-inThe teacher will draw a rainbow on the Bb with some colourful chalks.T:Whats this?Can you guess?Ss:Maybe a rainbow.T:Yes,a colourful rainbow.What colour do you see?Maybe some students who have learnt English will say red or green loudly. PresentationTeach some words about colours,such as red,yellow,green,blue.The ways:The teacher will show some colour paper:red,yellow,green,blue.The students read them one by one loudly.T:Red.I see red.Ss:I see The students follow the teachers read the words loudly,paying attention to pronunciation. PracticeGame 1 Listen and doShow me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow.Game 2 Listen and colourLet the students write “ Aa Bb Cc Dd” on the English notebook.Listen to the teachers and colour.T:Colour A blue./Colour B green./ Colour C red./ Colour D red.Game 3 Find the colours in the classroomWhat colour is it?Its blue / red / yellow / green. HomeworkFind out the colours in your room. And say it in English to your parents.
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