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A Glossary of Pali &巴利文-汉文 佛学名相 辞汇See also the Index by Subject.PS:含以重复母音(double the vowels)及于子音上加标点(punctuate the consonants)之表示法(or this mirror site)以供不另加新字型(or this mirror site)之线上(即时)使用者参考!This glossary covers many of the Pali words and technical terms that you may come across in the books and articles available on this website. The MORE link that follows some entries will take you to a more detailed article on the selected topic. Many of the entries have been adapted (with permission) from the glossaries in the books Straight from the Heart, Things As They Are, and The Wings to Awakening. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ AAbhidhamma(abhidhamma;阿比达摩,论): (1) In the discourses of the Pali Canon, this term simply means higher Dhamma, and a systematic attempt to define the Buddhas teachings and understand their interrelationships. (2) A later collection of analytical treatises based on lists of categories drawn from the teachings in the discourses, added to the Canon several centuries after the Buddhas life. Abhibba(abhinnaa;神通): Intuitive powers that come from the practice of concentration: the ability to display psychic powers, clairvoyance,clairaudience, the ability to know the thoughts of others, recollection of past lifetimes, and the knowledge which does away with mental effluents (see asava). Acariya(aacariya;老师): Teacher; mentor. Adhitthana(adhi.t.thaana;决定、决意、受持、依处、摄持): Determination; resolution. One of the ten perfections (paramis).(PS:正确之复数型:paramiyo)Ajaanajaan;阿姜; 老师(泰语): (Thai; also Ajarn, Ajahn, etc.). Teacher; mentor. Equivalent to the Pali acariya. Akaliko(also akalika (akaaliko: immediate, in this world 即时的, not delayed 不迟滞的,不受时间限制的): Timeless无时的,Vism.(清净道论底本-P.216); unconditioned by time or season. Akusala(akusala;恶,不善): Unwholesome, unskillful, evil, demeritorious. See its opposite, kusala. Anagami(anaagaami;不来, 阿那含): Non-returner. A person who has abandoned the five lower fetters that bind the mind to the cycle of rebirth (see samyojana), and who after death will appear in one of the Brahma worlds called the Pure Abodes, there to attain nibbana, never again to return to this world. Anapanasati(aanaapaanasati;安那般那念,安般念, 出入息念): Mindfulness of breathing. A meditation practice in which one maintains ones attention and mindfulness on the sensations of breathing. (PS:原巴利语之意为-入出息念)MORE Anatta(anattaa;无我): Not-self; ownerless. Anicca(anicca;无常): Inconstant; unsteady; impermanent. Anupadisesa-nibbanaanupaadisesa-nibbaana;无余(依)涅槃: Nibbana with no fuel remaining (the analogy is to an extinguished fire whose embers are cold) - the nibbana of the arahant after his passing away. (c.f. sa-upadisesa-nibbana)Anupubbi-katha(anupubbi-kathaa;次第说法): Gradual instruction. The Buddhas method of teaching Dhamma that guides his listeners progressively through increasingly advanced topics: generosity (see dana), virtue (see sila), heavens, drawbacks, renunciation, and the four noble truths. MORE Apaya-bhumi(apaaya-bhuumi;恶趣): State of deprivation; the four lower levels of existence into which one might be reborn as a result of past unskillful actions (see kamma): rebirth in hell, as a hungry ghost, as an angry demon (see Asura), or as a common animal. None of these states is permanent. Compare sugati. PS:apaya-bhumi-恶趣, 恶处之地(place); duggati-恶道(destination)Apaya-mukha(apaaya-mukha;堕恶趣行,堕恶趣法): Way to deprivation - extra-marital sexual relations; indulgence in intoxicants; indulgence in gambling; associating with bad people. Performance of these acts paves the way for rebirth in one of the lower realms (see apaya-bhumi). (PS:mukha-入口)Arahant(arahant;阿罗汉, 应供, 无学): A worthy one or pure one; a person whose mind is free of defilement (see kilesa), who has abandoned all ten of the fetters that bind the mind to the cycle of rebirth (see samyojana), whose heart is free of mental effluents (see asava), and who is thus not destined for further rebirth. A title for the Buddha and the highest level of his Noble Disciples. Arammana(aaramma.na;所缘,对象): Preoccupation; mental object. ps:arammana paccaya 所缘缘Ariya(ariya;圣): Noble, ideal. Also, a Noble One (see ariya-puggala). (cf.ariya-atthavgika-magga - 八圣道, 八正道)Ariyadhana(ariyadhana;圣财): Noble Wealth; qualities that serve as capital in the quest for liberation: conviction (see saddha), virtue (see sila(戒), conscience(惭), fear of evil(愧), erudition(闻), generosity (see dana施), and discernment (see pabba慧). (PS: sattavidha-ariya-dhana 七圣财, see dhana(财)Ariya-puggala(ariya-puggala;圣位,圣人): Noble person; enlightened individual. An individual who has realized at least one of the four noble paths (see dhana(财)magga(道) or their fruitions (see phala(果). Compare puthujjana(凡位,凡夫) (worldling). Ariya-sacca(ariya-sacca;圣谛): Noble Truth. The word ar
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