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my dream英语作文-我的梦想Everyone has their own dream, some people want to be a writer, some people want to be a pilot, some people want to be an astronaut, I want to be an engineer of the human. Maybe some people will ask me: “when teachers have what good, low wages, and hard work, also not be pay attention to people“, “the home has five Dou grain, improper child king!“ but you have not thought about, if there is no teachers teach knowledge, then we wouldn”t stupid, because the teacher taught us knowledge, we human beings can become smarter, more and more developed is because the teacher give give us a leaf boat, we can in the knowledge of the ocean surf. During the day, the teacher standing in the three feet platform for us Ouxinlixue lectures; at night, the moon had climbed to the top of the tree, teacher is still in the flickering light of hard as we operate under the banner of bright red hook. Perhaps when a person is surrounded by the success of the joy, he will forget their loved ones, but he will never forget his teacher, because his success is a teacher of a credit.I also like, whatever I long, go far, I will not forget his beloved teacher, because I am in the teacher”s care, love bathed the growth and success of the, whenever I go to the ends of the earth will not forget their own teachers, so I yearn for the job as a teacher. Now I was a primary school student. I”ll have to hard work, study hard, diligently, grow up to dream in three feet platform. 每个人都有自己的幻想,在我的心里也有一个幻想,它深深地埋藏着一颗孕育着我抱负的种子,在我心底生根、发芽。 每个人都有自己的幻想,有人想当作家,有人想当飞行员,有人想当航天员,我呢想当人类的工程师教师。有人或许会问我:“当教师有什么好的,工资低,工作又辛苦,还不被人重视”,“家有五斗粮,不当孩子王嘛”但是你们有没有想过,假如没有教师教的学问,那我们岂不是很愚昧,正由于有了教师教给我们的学问,我们人类才能越来越聪慧,越来更加达,也正是由于教师赐给我们一叶扁舟,我们才能在学问的海洋里游览。白天,教师站在三尺讲台为我们呕心沥血的讲课;夜晚,月亮已经爬上了树梢,可教师还在那摇曳的灯光下辛勤的为我们作业本上打着道道艳丽的红勾或许当一个人被胜利的喜悦包围时,他会遗忘自己的亲人,但他决不会遗忘自己的教师,由于他的胜利也有教师的一份功绩。我也一样,无论我长多大,走多远,我也不会遗忘自己尊敬的教师,由于我是在教师的呵护,爱的沐浴下长大成才的,无论我走到天际海角也不会遗忘自己的教师,所以我憧憬教师这个职业。现在我还是个小学生,我以后肯定要勤奋、努力地学习,勤学苦练,长大后才能走向幻想中的三尺讲台。
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