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翻译中的谴词用句问题基本的翻译技巧一般包括l).Diction(选词用字);2).Amplification(增益);3).0mission(省略);4).Repetiton(重复);5).Conversion(转换);6).Restructuring(词序调整);7).Negation(正说反译,反说正译);8).Division(长句拆译).遣词用字是任何翻译工作者自始至终需面临的一个现实问题。由于英汉分属不同的语系,所以在翻译时源语与译语之间往往没用相对固定的词义对应关系。本期用对比的方式归纳了英汉词字层次上的五种对应情况:1.完全对等,2.多词同义,3.一词多义,4.词义交织,5.无对等词语。词义辨析是遣词用字的前提。本期从四个角度探讨了如何判断某一英语词语的准确含义,即1.根据构词法辨别词义;2.根据指代关系辨别词义;3.根据上下文或词的搭配辨别词义;4.根据不同学科或专业类型辨 别词义。在词义辨析的基础上,本期归纳了英语词语翻译的8种常用技巧:1.推演法,2.移植法,3.引伸法,4.替代法,5.释义法,6.合并法,7. 图形法和8.音译法。1. Correspondence Between English and Chinese at Word Level英汉词字层次上的五种对应情况In most cases there is no existing pattern for sentence translation, nor are there fixed rules for word transformation. Generally speaking, the correspondence between English and Chinese at word level may be categorized as follows:1)Word-for-word CorrespondenceThis is most evidently shown in proper nouns and technical terms. For example:Marxism = 马克思主义Aspirin = 阿斯匹林2)One Word with Multiple Equivalents of the Same MeaningThis is a common case in translation. For example: 犬:dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever, terrier3) One Word with Several Equivalents of Different MeaningThis is also very common in translation. For example:carry:搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧走: walk, saunter, amble, stride, trudge, trapes, shamble, prance, scamper, clump, tiptoe 羊: sheep, goat, ram, ewe, lamb4) Equivalents Interwoven with One Another5) Words Without EquivalentsIn this case, an explanation is given instead of an equivalent. For example: clock-watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人阴: (in Chinese thought) the soft inactive female principle or force in the world阳: (in Chinese thought) the strong active male principle or force in the world(目不识)丁: (not know ones) ABC2. Methods to Discriminate the Original Meaning of an English Word词义辨析Since English words are prone to various meanings, it is of vital importance for a translator to discern the right meaning of a given word. And the following are the major methods of discriminating word meaning suggested by some linguists.1) Judging from the Word FormationIn order to discriminate the original meaning of an English word, it is necessary for us to have a knowledge of English lexicology, and specifically, a knowledge of word formation, such as compounding, derivation, affixation, blending, acronym, clipping, etc. A good command of them will help to shed light on the correct meaning of some difficult words.For example, the word parabiospheric, which consists of para-(outside) +bio-(biologic) +spheric (having the form of a sphere). After a brief analysis, we may safely put it into 外生物层的. Another more complicated instance, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. This extremely long word seems appallingly complicated. However, an anatomic study of its composition enables us to get a clear understanding of its meaning: pneumono- (of lung) +ultra- (beyond) + micro (very small) + scopic- (of viewing or observing) + silico- (of silicon)+ volcano+ coni- ( koni, of dust) + osis (forming the name of a disease). Even if we are not sure of the equivalent of this medical term, we may roughly get the right meaning of the long word: a kind of lung disease caused by extremely small silicon particles. And a look into some dictionary leads us to the definite answer: 硅酸盐沉着病,肺尘病(一种矿工易染的病)。2) Judging from the ReferencesThe meaning of a pronominal word, that is, what it refers to, is to be judged from the references. The pronominal words include:(1) third person pronouns; indefinite pronouns such as some, any, each, both; and definite pronouns such as much, many, few, little, etc. For example:He father sent John to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself. 他送约翰上大学,巴望能让儿子出类拔萃。(2) demonstrative pronouns, such as this, that, these, those, and demonstrative adverbs such as here, there, now, then, etc. For example:Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样给人以幸福。(or:因为后者不能像前者那样给人以幸福。)(3) references of comparison. For example:I hate blue shirt; white shirt suits me but gray is the most preferable. 我讨厌穿蓝衬衫,喜欢穿白衬衫,而最喜欢穿灰衬衫。Withoutthereferentialwordsfather,health,wealthandshirtintheabovethree sentences, it would be very difficult to make out the real meaning of such words as him, iir丿丿 1丿11,1 -I himself, this, that and the most preferable.3) Judging from the Context and Collocationrplq 丄11丄丄 tr 丄1The meanings of the words tension and story in previous examples are explicit enough in the context. Here is another example: develop.1. His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff. (发生故障)2. Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a very large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft. (产生升力)3. Inspired by these ideas, in 1752 Franklin dev
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