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2022年商务英语考试BEC初级口试指导:工作总结1.Award 奖品,获奖A: Are we going to decide the award recipients today?B: Yes. We plan to announce them next week.A:我们今日要打算获奖人吗?B:是的,我们打算下周公布。2.Behind schedule 比打算延期A: How is the program going?B: We are away behind the schedule.A:工程进展得怎样?B:我们比打算拖期许多。3.Monthly review 月审核A: Lets have the monthly review this Friday.B: No problem. Ill arrange the meeting.A:我们周五做月审核吧。B:没问题,我来安排会议。4.Bonuses 红利/奖金A: When are we going to distribute the bonuses?B: I heard its going to be next month.A:我们什么时候发奖金啊?B:我听说是下个月发。5.Conclusion 结论A: Have we arrived at any conclusions?B: We have.A:我们得出什么结论了吗?B:得出了?6.Penalty 罚款A: What is the penalty if the deliveries are late?B: Each day, we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount.A:假如发货迟了的话,罚金是多少?B:每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。7 .Phase review 阶段性审核A: Did we have any review for this phase?B: We did. There are still quite a few deliverables we need to work on again.A:我们这个阶段做审核了吗?B:做了,还有一些需要提交的文件需要重新修改。8.Summary 概要,总结A: Could you provide a program status summary to me?B: Yes. Ill email it to you.A:你能给我一份工程状况的概要吗?B:好的,我用电子邮件发给你。9.Slipping 延期A: The program is slipping. What can we do about it?B: We should elevate the issues to our Director.A:这个工程在延期,我们该怎么办?B:我们应当把问题上报给我们的总监。10.On time 准时A: Wed better have the prototype deliveries on time.B: Well do our best to meet the deadline.A:我们准时发送样件。B:我们会尽的努力按期发送。
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