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Revsion1 第一课时一、汉译英。.打电话_ 2.上网_3读电子书_ .一片面包_5.一杯茶_ 6赛跑_7. 篮球运动员_ 8.跳高_二、单项选择。( ) 1 _y ples gie a glass ofjie A Ca B.Culd C.Ma( ) . I_efiftee unto u apples A. take B. aes cost( ) 3. ht _ you lko ea We lik two bols o des. A. would B. will do( ) 4. _beautiul iwa! A Wh . Hoybother.2. e iraffe is _ (tl) thn e dr.3 This dog i_(trong) tha tatone.4. Johnis_ (aw) pcturon te blackrd.5. e pupis are_ (exite). The are some_ (book) n the ds7.In 0, he_(strt) topla the pino wh hs fee.8. Sh_ (take)up theone and cals for food答案:一、1 mke a oe call 2. go heIntern 3. read n e-bo.a piec of brea 5.baktal player 6. highump7. a bowlof ode 8. ho much 9.nythinglse 10. waita miue二、1. B . B 3.A 4.B B三、1 is 2.tlle 3 stoge 4. drawng 5 excitd 6. ooks . sarted 8. tkes
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