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工作面试英文自我介绍集合5篇 工作面试英文自我介绍篇1 ello,m poessrs.Isa fneay tod,anim vry peasd to metyu here.Firstof all,id ie tntroduceyseo you.Mnme is*,myhomeown s *,whch isa realy butif yEvenwhe i was ayong by,iwa very inreste i bioogy cince.vry oema ave adra,an i tilremembr tay deam i o be a bioloy cientit (ust like ZH KEZHEN)lked ke woers st lke,were e we fromWhere are e gng iteunrsen ten ul inth nwers in book by msef.Stll tdayihinta interest is eestteacher in ns wol lf (and nowledcos from pratic) econd, il itrou mmjor in theunivesity.My mjr is Boogical Engieerg in* Unveit.t as a gre rlationhipith biolg scine.eir relatoshp can e hown with xampe: utlike aiver,biology scienc,whh ftenins new discovere nd thories,is atte d of iver.Ad ymjr,wich lay more tress on pratical use,seems t be a e end of t.hen both ofte itet wel enogh,theices and theries i bioloy ice n be ootured nto prout n ll othemdern idusty.Fr yrsuiversiyeducation gives ma lo of tngs o ean,alo of chances otr,ad a l fpractices to impro me.Ittachesm not only wtto st and howthink,b alo t se h imortne of rctcal ablity (such as oing xprientasuc as possible). n te uniersitylfe,i avmde any godfrends.They hl e mpve mystudynd reeachabilit, d rethig just lie ma,ano gve meod xample tofollw. Beidewht ihave introdc mysel above, so have materestsiny spare time likplayg footbl,hicsan efecvewayink to imr my bdyheath,n i can each mho t join i a rop nd del witote ople.inan ritig s or v to me.boe ll,i cose the maoin orerto road y vi inbiology scnce,d nhane my eseach abit.I ill do my est t jon the new gop an e od at postradestudy. 工作面试英文自我介绍 篇2 good ornig, my name is jack,it isreal a geat honoto ha thisopporuity f ainerview, i wold lketo nwer whateeryu may rs,ani hoe cnmak ao eroancetoday,evally enrol in thisprestiious ivsity in setembr.nw i will introuce melfbriely,iam 21yers ,born helongiang provinc,heast o cina,adam urruently nio stde atbejng un.m ajr is ackgig engineerig.ad iwilreve my bacheordree ter y radati in june.in th past 4 ears,isend mosto my timeonstudy,i ve ass4/with an a nd i havaqired bscknoledge of packagng andpulishngbothn thor ad inprtic. besides, i havetend sera pckaigexhbtionhold n Beijing,ths s our avantag stdy here,i hav takna tur to someb factory acompan. throhthe havea deeply unerstanin f otic ackgingidtr.coaed tvelopd countriessuc as u, unfortuty,thuhweav adexraordinary progressince178,o packaging isry re tilludereeloped, mes, ustle,theitao fpoyees ins eld eaard bu have ful cofieni ariguture ny our economycankep the owthce stil. i guess youmaybeintersted ine reaon ithtola,adwhat smypln durig raduate stuylife, i woud lieto ellouthat pursue isne f y iflonggoal,i ie my ajor pacagig and i wtgivup,if i can pursue materere eri willombine lw withyomerdcatio. i wll rk hardin thesfields,atet ,tademark, copyiht, on tebae of my eas study in epartment o p&p,my chracteri can escribeit ell, ut i now am otti andconfdent.sometime iprefer o stayalo, re, liein tomsic, bu i an ley, i liket cht with yasmates, almos talk erthng , favot pastim is vleyball,payigardsorsurfonine ough colegelife,i lean howto balanc btwensyan enterainmn. by the wy, i s a acor of our amzigama club. ad afew lorious memr on tage.tha i my pid. 工作面试英文自我介绍篇3 Respted eders: Heo! My nme i Li Mig. I graduted ro _capu nd mjordi . Duingm tie on cas, ajore iproesioa ouses(dinreevat proesiona cores elective course fo the jobapplicaton,especial imorant). Accring o the knwledg eaned, als paricipatedi some pecific prjecs, such as he unqequalt ueson campus, inich wa esposbl or th mi module rs a ealeader). Whatachevemen hav een made n tes of fiancialknowldg,tc. n pratc,we vedeepeneur udetadngandris the atical operation ptentalof this indofork nadditon, the ampus l
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