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2022自考英语(二)复习资料:UNIT8-1proceeding,alarm,promote proceeding n.1、程序,进程;2、【p l】工程,活动,会议文集That is by no means the best way of proceeding.那决不是的行动方式。He opened todays proceedings in several short sentences.他简短地说了几句就开头了今日的会议。He brought divorce proceedings against his w ife.他诉请与妻子离婚。The proceedings w ere published 6 months after the conference.论文集已于会议完毕后半年出版。 alarm n.1、警报;2、惊慌The alarm system w ent wrong and created a false alarm.报警系统失灵,引起一场虚惊。 He didn t take alarm at the new s. 他听到消息后并不惊讶。 vt.1、向。报警,使警觉;2、使。惊慌,打搅I w as quite alarmed last night at the cry of “fire”.昨晚有人大呼救火,使我大吃一惊。 Heavy trucks alarmed one all night. 载重汽车声整夜使人不得安静。 promote vt.1、促进,发扬;2、提升,升级;3、发起,创办He was promoted to director.他被提升为厂长。It is believed that taking a w alk after meals promote digestion.人们认为饭后漫步促进消化。The salesman promotes the sales of remote-control TV sets and VCRs.那个推销员推销遥控电视机和录像机。 The pianist promoted a grand benefit concert. 那个钢琴家筹办了一次盛大的义演音乐会。二、常考句型1、喷气飞行时差综合症是每个乘坐国际航班旅行的人在某个时候都会遇到的问题。P1The problem of Jet Lag is one every international traveler comes across at some time.2、乘飞机旅行对身体的影响实际上远比我们意识到的更让人失调。P2The effects of rapid travel on the body are actually far more disturbing than w e realize.3、他后来把自己在谈判中的推断失误归咎于时差。P3He later blamed his poor judgment on Jet Lag.4、既然我们懂得了喷气飞机时差综合症是怎么回事,我们就能够在解决它方面有所作为。P5Now that w e understand w hat Jet Lag is, w e can go some way to overcoming it.5、另一个定时系统在我们的体内时钟内,这些体内时钟在不受干扰时,会使人体有一个 25小时,是的,25 小时-的生理节奏。P6The other belongs in our internal clocks which, left alone, w ould tie the body to a 25 hour yes,25 rhythm.6、经过一段时间之后,生理系统将会重新自我调整过来,但这需要时间。P8In time, the physiological system w ill reset itself, but it does take time.7、消失这种差异的一个缘由是人体的不同活动受到不同因素的支配。P9One reason for this discrepancy is that different bodily events are controlled by different factors.8、不行能等上 4 天直到身体习惯新的时区。P10It is not feasible to w ait four days until the body is used to the new time zone.
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