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1.一般现在时 the present tense2.一般过去时 the past tense3.一般将来时 the future tense4.一般过去将来时 the past future tense5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense6.过去进行时 the past Continuous Tense7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense8.过去将来进行时 the past future continuous tense9.现在完成时 the Present Perfect Tense10.过去完成时 the Past Perfect Tense11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense12.过去将来完成时 the past future perfect tense13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense16.过去将来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense一般过去时 Alex studied English yesterday. 艾历克斯昨天学过英语.过去进行时 Alex was studying English at this time yesterday. 艾历克斯昨天这时正在学英语.过去完成时 Alex had studied English for one year by the end of last month. 到上月底, 艾历克斯已经学习了一年英语.过去完成进行时Alex had been studying English by end of last month. 到上月底, 艾历克斯一直在学英语.一般现在时 Alex studies English everyday. 艾历克斯每天学英语.现在进行时 Alex is studying English now.艾历克斯现在正在学习英语.现在完成时 Alex has studied English for one year. 艾历克斯已经学了一年英语.现在完成进行时Alex has been studying English all the morning. 艾历克斯一上午一直在学习英语. 一般将来时 Alex will study English tomorrow. 艾历克斯明天要学英语.将来进行时 Alex will be studying English at this time tomorrow. 艾历克斯明天这时正在学英语.将来完成时 Alex will have studied English for two years by the end of next month. 到下月底, 艾历克斯学习英语将两年了.将来完成进行时 Alex will have been studying English for two years by the end of this year. 到今年底, 艾历克斯已经连续学了两年英语.过去将来时 At that time I knew that Alex would study English. 那时我知道艾历克斯将要去学英语. 过去将来时进行 Yesterday he told me that Alex would be studying English this morning. 昨天他告诉我艾历克斯今天早晨要学英语.过去将来完成时 She told me yesterday that Alex would have studied English for three months by the end of this year. 她昨天告诉我, 到这周末, 艾历克斯学英语将满分个月.过去将来完成进行时 He said that Alex would have been studying English for four years by the end of next year. 他说到明年底, 艾历克斯学习英语将满4年. 英语16种时态定义及例句精讲 1.一般过去时:表示过去某一时间里发生的动作或状态。 叙事性的文章和故事里最常用的时态。 例句:1.Yesterday we went to the park.动作 2.The book was there ten minutes ago. 状态2.过去进行时:在过去某时之前开始,以后还要延续一段时间的动作。要注意只有延续性动词可以用进行时。 例句:The dog was eating a bone.3.过去完成时: 表示在过去某时之前就已经完成的动作或状态。 例句:1.Three days ago he had already finished his homework. 动作 2.When he was a boy, he had already been a head of the boys. 状态4.过去完成进行时:在过去某时之前就已经完成并且还要延续下去的动作。很少用 例句:The workers had been building the railway then.5.一般现在时:表示真理性,经常性,习惯性,普遍性。在口语里常用,在叙事性文章和故事里很少用 例句:1.The earth is smaller than the sun. 状态真理性 2.Tom gets up early every morning. 动作经常性和习惯性 3.Everybody knows him. 普遍性6.现在进行时:在现在之前开始,以后还要延续一段时间的动作。要注意只有延续性动词可以用进行时。 例句:Tom is reading a book.7.现在完成时:表示在现在之前就已经完成的动作或状态要特别注意不包括现在。 例句:1.We have done our homework. 动作 2.He has been a doctor now. .状态8.现在完成进行时:在现在之前就已经完成并且还要延续下去的动作。较少用 例句:Tom has been reading this book for over ten hours.9.一般将来时:表示将来某一时间里发生的动作或状态。 例句:1.Tom will help you tomorrow. 动作 2.We shall be here in time next time. 状态10.将来进行时:在将来某时之前开始,以后还要延续一段时间的动作。要注意只有延续性动词可以用进行时。 例句:At ten tomorrow morning, I will be writing the letter for you.11.将来完成时:表示在将来某时之前将完成的动作或状态。 例句:1.Tomorrow morning, I will have cleaned the windows. 动作 2.Next Sunday, he will have been a new doctor. 状态12.将来完成进行时:在将来某时之前就已经完成并且还要延续下去的动作。很少用 例句:They will have been making their efforts after that time.13.过去将来时:表示从过去某一时间看将在以后某一时间里发生的动作或状态。注意不要跟现在联系起来 例句:1.Ten years ago, Mary said she would finish the work in a few days. 动作 2. Yesterday he thought you would be a good player after five years. 状态14.过去将来进行时:从过去某时来看将再以后某时之前开始,以后还要延续一段时间的动作。要注意只有延续性动词可以用进行时。 例句:Jack told me that he would be working hard the next year.15.过去将来完成时:表示在过去某一时间之前本该完成的动作或状态。一般用于虚拟语态 例句:1.If he had worked hard enough, he would have built a new house. 动作 实际情况是因为他不够努力,所以新房子连影子都没有 2.If he were alive, he would have been a doctor now. .状态实际情况是他已经去 世,所以永远成不了医生 16.过去将来完成进行时:在过去某时之前看来将来某时应该已经完成并且还要延续下去的动作。很少用 例句:We thought they would have been doing physical training till then.
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