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Ne ConeptEnglih Book Revsion Lesso 18 重点词汇一. 名词服装:the handa wth ca de sirt shirt blose te hat sit shoe tross pcket交通:ay car ship eroplan食物:oo iecremn ceese bead soap chocoate sar cake bici egg bte honey jam meat bee lamb steak mince chiken milk a teacffee otch whkywine beeroma oaabage lettu pe bean pplepear grape pach ornge banana 称呼:Mrs r. is ae father other mum rnath rmoter sster boher son daugher s wife husand girl bo cid chilren mn oma friend baby wine tourst 职业:job eyoard per eginee olicea policeoma taxriverair hostesostan nuse menic idreser usewf milkmn cutos oer emoyee sales ep ofeasssant teache tudet boss bther dcor deist sho sitant rengrocer bker gror satine年月:year Jury Februar Mrch pil May June July Auust Seteer tber oee Decber星期:weeSunay Mnay TuesayWedesda Thursday riday atury wekend季节:seasn rig summr autumn wne动物:d cat bd 地点:aren villg pr choo hop church daiylibry tow生活:case care ox glass cup ble tin knif ork sponh tab t cupboard igarettobacco eleisonressgtble agzie d neserteeo rrigertor ectr cooker arhair icture wardro baske tp bookce mer diskttl taptas eeloe iting paper pad ge chane fmly photogah match telephoe k lete huseopaspr fashion mbrlla ticket new apointet nise学校:pen pencilbook dek chl bckboard homework hadrtin sect overion re prbook颜色:clur wi black en luerd elow pink gray purple bron oage房子:uildin oue om widow door flor wall lvin om kitchen bedroo clakoom方位:rtet ml front norh south eat es时间:tim day mornng afternon veing igh omnt 疾病: mater headche ache toothchestomh ce tempratr fl measles mmps aspiri自然界:ree grs cloudsky sun bridg bat ier vlley hil ank flw waer lite身体部位:t eethmouth togue hand量词短语: pairf, oaf o, abr of, a btte of,a poud of, l aond of, uater of, a tin , bol o , a pieceof , a bunh f, a cart o , cupof , a glss of, baskeof 国家-国籍:cntry nationaiyCianese JapJpanes Elandlsh AeriaAmercnKoaKoran RussiaRusia anceFrech ranyrm azlBraiian HolldDutch talyItian rwayNorwegian ainSpansh SweeSwedish traliaAusrianustraustn Cananaian FinandFinnih IndaIndn Nigeaigerian TurkeyTrksh olndli Thlandhai 其她 truh lunch size ac cow fiih 二 动词1. be 动词:am s are era2. 情态动词:an ol mus may shall shoul will wol3. “有”动词:have h4. 助动词:do oes di5. 实意动词: ee meet se loo atc tch come give sut opn ir put st weepmpy read hren put on aeff urno turn offcib r type eat cea co drnk shi wal flysle sha cr was t mp swim mak listn d shw en take fid bl as liftikewnt tell ain snow rise set live ta arrive ee call remem reain pay drverek hear ejoy ke send and telpon aswersay m uderstn spk cu go greetuy wer三、形容词isll nw-ld-young f thinlog-shorttal dirty-can hot-c peshut em-ul lih-ea large-lttle harpu god-ba azarworkig sy-re f-rit tdy-utiy lucky-nlucky samedifferen cfortabluncfortabl art nice finlove tred tirsy favoure areful erribe re pue rip choce plasant mild wt inteesting rich absent wt exitig aful last urgent whtela green ble redlw pik四、副词uptirs owstairs hd ether aay well ete bt early late olock certily so quicky u agan ag togethr hm pastl lowly urely suddenly tirstil wrmly uallterrl bady late faye五、介词ion ner (next t/besid) unde over ith beween behind along acrs of into out of infrt of t六、数词基数词:nmber one two thre four fve si sveneght nn ten ev tweve thirtee urteen fiften sixtee eenteeeigteeinteen twy twenty-one hrt orty fifty xtsevn eight ninety hundrd thousand序数词:th f
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