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江苏省大丰市万盈二中七年级英语下册Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town Welcome to the unit练习 牛津版一、New words(会读、会默写下列单词,给划线部分注上音标并写出词性、词义)tin/ /词性 词义 none/ /词性 词义 order/ /词性 词义 pizza/ /词性 词义 二、The usage of some words 1.none 词性 ,意思是 。后面不加名词,意思相当于 。通常作表语,或与of连用,后接名词或代词构成短语在句子中作主语,谓语动词用 或 。如:(1)There is no milk in this bottle,and there is _ in that bottle,either. 这个瓶子里没有牛奶,那个瓶子里也没有了。(2) I am going to give you some money but there is _left in my pocket. 我想给你些钱可是我口袋里没有。 (3) I like _ of the food.这些食物我都不喜欢。注意:(1)用How many/How much?提问时,回答一点也没有用 . (2)用Who?提问时,回答没有一个人,用 . (3)用What?提问时,回答什么也没有,用 .2. order 词性 ,意为 。如:He wants to_ a cup of coffee.他点了一杯咖啡。3. maybe 词性 ,意思是 ,在句中作状语,常位于 。如: _ she ll come this afternoon. 她可能今天下午来。 _you put the letter in your pocket. 大概你把信放在衣袋里了。 区别may be,may 是 ,be 是 ,意为 。如: I cant find my watch.It _ in your bag.我找不到我的手表了,它可能在你包里。 He_ a soldier.他可能是军人。 maybe和may be可互相转换。如:He _ in the office. = _ he is in the office.他可能在办公室里。You _right. = _you are right. 你或许是对的。三、Useful phrases: (正确朗读以下短语,并译成中文)enjoy playing badminton Chinese food play badminton love watching films take them to a shopping mall go to the cinema one tin of dog food order a pizza lots of different Chinese restaurants 四、Background:纽约是美国文化教育中心,拥有94所大学和学院,976所公立学校,914所私立学校。纽约市立大学规模最大,包括17个学院和一个研究生院,注册学生17.7万人。哥伦比亚大学是全市创建最早的高校(1754年始建),是最著名的私立大学;其次是纽约大学等。福尔特罕和圣约翰大学是著名天主教会学校。此外纽约还有众多的博物馆、美术馆、图书馆、研究机构、艺术中心等。Learning ActivitiesLearning aims:1.复习城市中有关各种活动场所的词汇。2.了解在不同的场所可以开展的活动。3.将活动和地点联系起来并建议到不同的地点活动或游玩。Activity 1:Check the previewActivity2:Welcome to the unitStep 1:Free talk 1.Where do you live?2.Where would you like to live,in a town or in a busy city?3.Is there a sports centre near your home?4.What can we do there?5.What other sport do you enjoy/love doing?Step2:Finish PartB ,A on page25 and check the answer.Step3:Pair work: Model: A:What do you enjoy/love doing?B:I enjoy/love A:Where can you B:I can Activity3:Comic strip Step 1:(lead in)What does Eddie like doing? Listen and answer the question: How many tins of dog food do they have?Step 2: Read and answer:1.Are they hungry?2.How much money do they have?3.What does Eddie want to do with one yuan? 4.Can they order a pizza? Why or why not?Step 3:Read and act out.Activity3:Fill in the blanksEddie _ _ . But there is_ _ tin of dog food in the _.Eddie wants to go to the _ to buy some. But they only have _ yuan. Hobo says they can buy_ with it. But Eddie wants to _ with it.Exercise一根据句意和首字母提示填空。 1. _(没有一个) of these pens is mine.2.I dont know where Mr Wu is. M_ he is in the classroom.3.Im .Could you give me a pizza?4.I have lunch at a r_ near our school.5.I often watch films at Huanghe C_ at weekends.6.Lets take (they) to the supermarket.二单项选择。( )1.-Are there_books on the desk? -No,there is_.A. a ;not B. any ;no C. any ;none D. some ;not( )2.The man comes into the restaurant and_ a bottle of beer and some food.A. have B. orders C. asks D. want( )3. Lets _these things _ the playground.A. bring;on B. bring;to C. take;in D. take;to( )4.There _a new film tonight.A. maybe B. may be C. is maybe D. maybe is( )5.He enjoys .A. play football B. to play football C. playing football D. plays football1
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