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浙江省泰顺县新城学校2020学年八年级英语期中测试试题(无答案) I. 听句子,选择与其相符的图片(其中有一项多余)(5分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II. 听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案(5分) ( )6. How often does Lin Tao exercise? A. Twice a week.B. Three times a week.C. Four times a week. ( )7. What was the matter with Ben?A. He had a sore back.B. He had a fever.C. He had a toothache. ( )8. When is Bob coming back from Beijing?A. On Tuesday. B. On Thursday.C. On Sunday. ( )9.How is Bills father going to Shanghai? A. By car. B. By subway.C. By train. ( )10. Can David go to the birthday party? A. No, he cant.B. Yes, he can.C. We dont know.III. 听短文,判断正误,错误为F,正确为T.(10分) ( )11. When you eat Beijing Duck, you have to cut it into slices yourself.( )12. It often takes hours to cut up the duck.( )13. Green onions and pancakes make Beijing Duck more delicious.( )14. Beijing Duck is one of the most delicious(最美味的) food in China.( )15. The speaker may be a guide(导游). 笔试部分(共80分)I. 单项选择(15分) ( )1. Jeff is going to have a test _ Friday morning.A. atB. in C. on D. to( )2. Many things in the supermarket are on sale. Lets go _.A. hikingB. fishingC. campingD. shopping( ) 3. I took _ vacation to Tibet last month and I had _ good time there.A. a; a B. the; / C. a; theD. /; /( )4. I dont like vegetables and fruit, but I try _ them every day. A. eat B. eatsC. eating D. ate ( )5. This hat is too expensive. Please show me _ one. A. otherB. the otherC. othersD. another( )6. The train _ at 6 pm. We only have twenty minutes. Be quick! A. comeB. cameC. comes D. is coming( )7. The news was very _. They all got _ when they heard it.A. excited; excitingB. excited; excited C. exciting; excitedD. exciting; exciting( )8. The teacher makes them _ English every day. A. spokeB. speakC. speakingD. to speak ( )9. _ is it from the airport to the hotel? About 15 miles.A. How farB. How longC. How oftenD. How soon ( )10. He wanted to go camping tomorrow, but he had to _ his sister at home.A. look atB. look afterC. look forD. look like( )11. If you see _ in todays newspaper, please tell me.A. interesting somethingB. something interestingC. interesting nothing D. nothing interesting( )12. My mother is ill in the hospital. _. I hope she feels better soon.A. I think so B. That sounds good C. Thats too bad D. It doesnt matter ( )13. Dad, _ I go to the dance party this evening? Yes. But you _ come back before 10 oclock.A. can; mustB. must; canC. must; mustD. can; can( )14. I want to go there on foot, _ it is not near. A. orB. whenC. because D. although( )15. _? I am going to a doctor. A. Whats the matterB. What are you going to doC. How do you go there D. Can you come to my party II. 完形填空(10分)My favorite subject is math. It is my favorite because I am 1 it. I never have to work hard at it and I 2 get good grades in tests. I am 3 that I was born with(天生具有) a clear-thinking brain (头脑). The great thing about math is that there is not much to remember. In other 4 , like history and geography, you need to remember a lot of things. Though math is easy for me, some of my friends think it is 5 . They often have difficulties with their math. I often help them with their 6 at school. Math is easy for me, 7 I dont have to spend very much time on it. I have 8 time to study other subjects. But some of my classmates cant 9 their math homework. It often makes the teacher angry. I feel sorry for them. I think I should give them more 10 . I am going to try to do that. ( )1. A. worried aboutB. good atC. serious aboutD. good for( )2. A. always B. sometimesC. hardly everD. never ( )3. A. quietB. angryC. happyD. Bored( )4. A. classesB. booksC. namesD. subjects ( )5. A. popular B. difficultC. fun D. interesting( )6. A. mathB. physicsC. historyD. Geography( )7. A. soB. or C. becauseD. Though( )8. A. manyB. more C. littleD. Less( )9. A. listenB. find C. finishD. learn ( )10. A. homeworkB. timeC. moneyD. helpIII. 阅读理解(20分) ADavid:My favorite subject is English, because the teacher is funny and makes the subject easier. My least (最少的) favorite subject is math, because the teacher is boring and makes the subject harder.James:I like science best because scie
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