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初二英语作文集锦5篇 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是帮大家整理的初二英语作文5篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 初二英语作文 篇1We ow it sdifficto learn EngishMy Englshiver oo. Iea Elish ike thi. ILstn to thetacer carfull ad wt the important pin donon mnebooks. Ae assIvse eleson Bfo cla Iprepa ne lessons ind ou thequsts.ThnI ill listn carfully i clas. aso lis o the ae,adspea Eglish tmy asmes i he clasroo andonte playground. tiproe ylisng ad speakig I kepa dary evry daytpacise y writen Eglish Beside this,Ioten read gisnewaprsn magaznes enri my knowlege onEngihclture. We l lern English wll o og as we learn ithrd. 初二英语作文篇 prin Festil i hinsmst imprtan tradiiona fetivl,we likthe png estiva,Chinese New Yar i ths da, th failytdinner toghr, whehe in thehome ere heyill b sent s sh o is amil,chirenare he most liete CinesNew er bcas the Chines New Yer, when ild cn get aedelope. Thoghty of th prn eival, which oiginaed in the hanprid h yea drwo a clos seicemen and the memoral activities. ccodi toha Lunr, the first dyof eirt lurmont yenncint name,Ya-chen,a opy, isEer, he Ne ea Day, whichis ommonly kown as Day te Reubli.witc tote Greori calend, the aendr nJanury 1as ew Yers Da, January t called heunar Spring Fstival. 初二英语作文 篇 I haveeenlvig i my hometown for 15yea.I lve everythinn t. Wd youind lsteig tomydescpi f m homen I think you wo. M homeown is the city oLiuyag. Iti a sall mouni city. Luyng s ry beautifl. It h he faous rir named Liyan Rive. I is famou or the ong of iuyangRver. And LiuyaFiewrk is famousin teworl t hasman wonderful sihts eveNow it has geat parksan musums whcaree or pubcYou cn go climing andbii in youfetieIthas already h hundrds offactories.Th have mad ad aremakin diffrn kind of god u beds,per nd fireworkThe rffic is also coenet.ou cn take ueortaxis to anywhere. This salcy sveryazing, isnt i The polai oLiuyangis ne ilon and fouhndr thousnd aybe thiscity is a littlecrowded.oever, uyng pple ar rallypited friendly. Yan gt aongwellith em and mak friendswth thm. Besie, Liuyan fod isver delicious.Have o er bee t Liuyang befor t a great ia to traveo Liyg wth yo family or your frend o vation. Ify cmet Liuyan, Isre yo ae a reat tme anyoll vfal in l it it adwon bewilli to leae. 初二英语作文 篇4 Our futre schowill verydferentfrom te one we have ow. Te campu illbebigr The willbe a are playrouna big fountain ithe sch.her wlb s of e nd flwer. Thelassrooms l b eqiptedwith edi. There wl ls e ai-coditiong in th lassos. Thee wll be a big gymi thsool. Stdents an exercie whn hey hae tme. her wil alo e bakebll curts, tenns courts and a swimingpool. dent comore activite fr P.E classes. Te libary ill bebgra welhre ill be robot in he library ognize te books. 我们未来的学校会和现在的有很大的差别。校园会更大。 学校里会有大的操场和大的喷水池。还会有很多树木和花朵。教室会装备有多媒体。教室里面也会有空调。学校里会有大的健身房。学生在有空的时候能锻炼。还会有篮球场,网球场和游泳池。学生能再体育课做更多地活动。图书馆也会更大。图书馆里会有机器人来整理书籍 . 初二英语作文 篇5 I haa goodpenfren. Let e tel you something abt him is na isL Hua. He a Enhame. Its Ton.He is amdle chol tdetin ass wo, ae One of No1de School. Heis 1 earldnow. He was brn in hezhen,Gangdong. His birtha is Augstte twentie H lies plaigbasebal nd liseni o msic.H t pays basktallwth hislsste afteschol is fvrie sujctisEnlish ad he ikeslayin compute am estI k twre t im H is my od frend
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