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完形填空和阅读理解Test 1It was winter , and Mrs. Black wanted to do a lot of _1_ , so she waited until(直到) it was Saturday. When her husband was 2 , he went to shops with her to pay 3 everything ant to carry the parcels (包裹) . They went to a lot of shops , and Mrs. Black bought a lot of 4 . She often stopped and said , “Look , Joe ! Isnt that beautiful ! ” He then answered , “All right , dear , How 5 is it ?” and 6 his money to pay for (付款) it . It was dark when they came out of the last shop , and Mr. Black was tired 7 thinking about other things . Suddenly (突然) his wife looked 8 the sky (天空) and said , “Look at that beautiful 9 , Joe ! ” Without 10 , Mr. Black answered , “All right , dear . How much is it ?”1. A doing B selling C buying D shopping2. A free B busy C worrying D afraid3. A about B for C with D of4. A nothing B anything C things D something5. A soon B long C much D many6. A took B brought C carried D put7. A and B of C to D for8. A down at B up at C out of D in9. A sun B moon C stars D earth10. A walking B running C working D stoppingTest 2More than 70% of the people in Zhangjiajie are minorities (少数民族) . Among them , Tujia(土家族) is the biggest . The earliest Tujia people lived in Hubei . Later they traveled to Hunan , Guizhou and Sichuan . They have a population (人口) of about eight million (百万) now .When you go to Zhangjiajie , you can see many shops along the streets . There are a lot of beautiful rings and necklaces in the shops . Silver jewellery is an important part of minority dresses there , you can see most of them wear big and heavy silver head dresses and necklaces for important days .Tujia people have their own spoken language but not a written one . When youre taking with Tujia people ,try to learn some useful sentences . Youll find that its quite different from what we learn at school . Its also lots of fun .When Tujia people greet each other , they say “Yica” in Pinyin . Thats “How are you ?” in English . If you want to learn more about the language , talk more with the people there . Dont worry . They can speak mandarin(普通话) ,too .Now middle school students there study mandarin at school . But at home , some may still speak their own language .A 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1.Where did Tujia people live at first?2.What can we buy in the shops according to the passage ?3.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “Yica ” in pinyin ?B.根据短文内容,完成句子。4.Tujia people have their own language , but they dont have _ languae .C.把稳重画线部分译成汉语。5._Test 3Christmas was coming . A lot of 1 were going to town . They hoped to 2 some vegetables , fruit and meat in the market . And then they were going to buy some 3 for their families . A bus came . They tried to 4 . Robert , a strong young man , rushed in first . He occupied (占) two 5 : one for his girlfriend Mabel and the other for himself .The bus started . Robert had a look 6 the bus . He saw a lot of people 7 there . There were some old men among them . He hurried to 8 his eyes . Mabel found it and thought he felt 9 and asked , “Whats wrong with you , dear ?”“10 ,” answered the kindhearted young man . “I cant bear(忍受) to see the poor old men !”1. A workers B soldiers C farmers D drivers2. A lend B sell C borrow D show3. A books B pens C newspaper D presents4. A get on B get off C lift D sit down5. A tables B seats C boxes D steps6. A after B for C up D around7. A standing B sitting C lying D sleeping8. A touch B look over C open D close9. A terrible B sad C happy D dangerous10. A Something B Anything C Nothing D EverythingTest 4Do you want to go to see the 2012 Olympic Games in London ? When you
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