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公共英语等级考试二级试题集(8)B. Because he wanted to have the readers guess the answer before reading.C. Because he wanted to sum up (概括) the topic of the piece.D. Because he wanted to make the readers understand him better. 37. The word “live-in“ in this passage means _. A. left empty B. lively and cheerful C. now being used by people D. laid inside 38. What does the writer advise the people to do? A. Ask a neighbour to pick up the daily mail B. Make sure to have lights that turn on and off by themselves.C. Make sure the newspaper is handed over every day.D. Pull the living room curtains down. 39. The most important room to leave a light burning in is the _. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. living room D. sitting-room 2、Mr Richards has worked in a small seaside town for about ten years and he and his wife have a comfortable house near the sea. During the winter they would be quite happy, but every summer a lot of their relatives used to spend holiday in their house, and it was much cheaper than staying in hotel . Finally one day in June Mr Richards complained to a clever friend of his who lived in the same place. “One of my wife”s cousins is going to bring her husband and children and spend ten days with us next month again. How have you prevented all your relatives from coming to live with you in summer ?“ “Oh,“the friend answered, “that is not difficult. I just borrow money from all the rich ones, and lend it to all the poor ones. After that, they seldom come again.“ Hearing this Mr Richards smiled. 40. The relatives preferred to stay in Mr Richards” house because _. A. it was cool in summer B. they might spend less moneyC. they were more welcome D. it was a comfortable place 41. According to his friend”s opinion, the poor relatives would stop going there so often because _ .A. they were shy to borrow money againB. hey were afraid to be asked to pay off the debtsC. they had been ill-treatedD. it wasn”t happy for the poor to meet the rich 42. The best title for this passage is _. A. Such a Clever Friend B. Mr Richards and his FriendC. Money is Important D. Such Good Usage of Money 43. After reading the passage we can infer _. A. Mr Richards still complains about the coming of his relatives in summerB. The friend of Mr Richards” hadn”t as many relatives as RichardsC. Gradually Mr Richards succeeded in keeping his relatives out in summerD. sNone of Richards” relatives came to the seaside town for their holidays again 3、I wonder why American towns looks so much alike that I sometimes mix them up in my memory. The standard influence(影响)of mass production whose agents(代理商)are the travelling salesman, the mail-order house, the five-and-ten cent stores, the chain stores, the movies can hardly explain it. If you stay two days in Bologna and in Ferrare, or in Arles and in Avignon, you will never mix them up in all your life. But it may well happen that after you spend two days in St.Louis and in Kansas City the appearances of these two cities soon mix up. I think the reason for this is that these towns have not yet had time enough to develop their own characters. Similarly, children are much less different from each other than grown people. 44. Which two of the following towns look so much alike? A. Bologna and Ferrare B. Arles and AvignonC. St. Louis and Kansas City D. Bologna and St. Louis 45. In line 4 the word “it“ refers to _. A. standard of towns B. similarity of towns C. people”s memory D. mass production 46. American towns look very much alike because of _. A. the standard influence of mass production B. their different appearancesC. not being fully developed D. having everything in common 36-40 ACABB 41-45 BDCCB 46 C
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