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英语口语对话热点话题:有关职场草莓族的英语对话Lily: Ann, do you know the “Strawberry Generation”? 安,你知道“草莓族”吗? Ann: I dont know, what is the meaning? 不懂,是什么意思啊? Lily: The“Strawberry Generation” was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules.Now,it refers to the new generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented - just like strawberries - by life”s lightest knocks. “草莓族”这个说法最早消失在一位台湾作家的办公室物语一书中。现在,它指的是新一代办公室职员,他们像草莓一样是在多方爱护的环境中长大的,生活中稍微的碰撞就能让他们受到损害。 Ann: Does the new generation mean the post-80s generation? 这个新一代指的是80后吗? Lily: Yeah,This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers, of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two. They are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts. 是的,这个说法现在在中国大陆也很流行,指刚刚参与工作一两年的独生子女一代。他们大都受过良好的训练,但多以自我为中心,过分注意外表和物质享受。 Ann: It is ture. 的确是这样。 Lily: They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can”t take much pressure. 他们看起来时尚又世故。他们脆弱也简单受伤。他们似乎被宠得一塌糊涂,承受不了什么压力。 Ann: The post-80s generation should take more exercise on every aspect. 80后应当在各方面加强熬炼。 Lily: Yes,or else they can not exist in the society and will be obsolete. 是的,不然他们就不能立足于社会,会被社会所淘汰。 Ann: You give them a significant lesson. 你给他们上了重要的一课。
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