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必修2词语检测说明:1. 全卷共100道试题,每题1分; 2. 答题时间:90分钟。一、根据所给汉语意思为英文单词选择一个准确的释义。(20小题)1.afterwards A.后来 B.朝后 C.后院 D.后方2.application A.外观 B.分离 C.应用 D.出现3.articial A. 假的 B.艺术品德C.艺术家的D.艺术的4.attractive A.注意 B.攻击 C.关注 D.吸引人的5.bargain A.获得 B.讲条件 C.做基础 D.开始 6.beard A. 胡须 B.承受 C出生 .D.听说7.briefly A.摘要 B.简要地 C.简短的 D. 大纲的8.calculator A.计算 B.估算 C.计算器 D.计算者9.debate A. 迟到 B.估计 C.增加 D.辩论 10.decorate A.装饰 B.减少 C.设计 D.争论 11.dinosaur A.恐龙 B.热爱 C频临 .D.灭绝12.dynasty A.朝代 B.下载 C.投入 D.值得13.eyewitness A.眼睛 B.目击 C.目睹 D.目击者14.fierce A. 凶猛的 B.奇特的 C.熟悉的 D.民间的 15.glory A.光荣的 B.荣誉的 C.地位高的 D.光荣 16.honey A. 希望 B.蜂蜜 C.诚实 D. 主人 17.intelligence A.智能 B乐器 .C招待 .D. 事件18.invitation A.非正式的 B.发明 C.招待 D.收入19.logical A. 合乎逻辑的 B.长的 C.本地的 D.当地的20.maid A.制造 B.制成 C.少女 D.魔术师 二、根据所给英语单词为其前的汉语释义选择一个单词。1.野生动植物 A. wild B. wildlife C. wooden D. worth 2.花瓶 A. vase B. virus C. volunteer D. value 3.电子管 A. troop B. trial C. tube D. type 4. 工艺 A. technological B. technology C. technique D. technologically 5.风度 A. sum B. style C. studio D. stadium 6.简化 A. similar B. simplify C. simple D. similarity 7.海员 A.sailer B. sailre C. sailor D. sailing 8.责任 A. responsibility B. revolution C. reception D. reality 9.保护区 A. reserve B. relief C. relic D. rocket 10. 有力的 A. physical B. powerful C. painful D. personal 11.蚊子 A. mobile B. millionaire C. motto D. mosquito 12.事变 A. accident B. matter C. trouble D. incident13.昆虫 A.inspect B. insect C. instrument D. informal 14.损害 A. harm B. hunt C. hopelessness D. host 15. 体操 A. gymnasium B. gymnastics C. goal D. glory 16.罚款 A. finance B. fine C. form D. former 17.亲近的 A. fancy B. faithful C. familiar D. folk 18.爆炸 A. explore B. explode C. extra D. extinction 19. 自信的 A. confident B. classical C. cultural D. distant 20.运动选手 A. attention B. athlete C. artist D. abacus 三、给下列短语选择一个正确的英语短语。1.环顾 A. look onas B. look about C. look into D. look out for2.搜某人身 A. search for sb B. search sb C. look for sb D. look on sb as 3.作为报答 A. in return B. in return for C. in reply D. in praise of 4.至多 A. not more than B. no morethan C. not morethan D. no more than5.严厉抨击 A. take apart B. tell apart C. stand apart D. live apart 6.对达成协议 A. agree to sth B. agree with sth C. agree on sth D. agree to do sth7.小心 A. care about B. care for C. take care D. takeinto care 8.容忍 A. stand for B. stand up C. stand out D. stand by 9.在.方面竞争 A. compete in B. compete for C. compete with D. compete against 10.许诺 A. keep a promise B. carry on a promise C. break a promise D. give a promise11.和.竞选 A. run against B. run across C. run after D. run away 12.因此,结果 A. as a result of B. as a result C. result in D. result from 13.与.有亲戚关系 A. be connected to B. be connected with C. make a connection D. connectwith14.独自地 A. of oneself B. by oneself C. for oneself D. with oneself 15.准时 A. in time B. on time C. in no time D. at times 16.度假 A. on leave B. on business C. on holiday D. on a visit 17.灭绝 A. die out B. die away C. die of D. die from18.处于危险中 A. in danger B. in no danger C. out of danger D. full of danger19.拾起 A. pick out B. pick off C. pick up D. put up 20.迷路 A.suffer a loss B. make up a loss C. lose ones way D. lose a match 四、给下列短语选择一个正确的汉语释义。1.above all A.毕竟 B.首先 C.总计 D. 追求2.in addition A.另外 B.加法 C.增加 D. 降价3.at war A.对仗 B.打仗 C.处于交战状态D.处于停战状态4.attach to A.附上 B.连接状态 C.吸引 D. 攻击5.get familiar with A.为.所熟悉B.与熟悉起来 C.与相似 D.与一样 6. to be honest A.实话说 B.诚实 C.诚恳 D.对诚实7.in cash A.现金 B.给现金 C.有现钱 D. 在钱柜里8.in charge of A.主管 B.由.主管 C.控诉 D.索价9.come into being A.形成 B.进来 C.随进来 D. 突然进来10.deal with A.许多 B大量 .C.处理 D.死亡 11.in relief A.如释重负 B.安详地C.作为回报 D. 垂危12.burst into laughter A.突然大笑 B.突然大哭 C.爆发笑声 D.笑声爆发13.one after another A.相互 B.陆续地 C.互相 D.另一个14.pay attention to A.注意 B.付款 C.吸引 D. 立正15.play jokes on A.玩耍 B.戏弄 C传递 .D.玩笑 16.rely on A.回答 B.答复 C.应答 D.依赖17.sort out A.分离 B.分类 C.分出来 D.使分离18.take apart A.拆开 B.拿走 C.分开 D.参加19.think highly of A.器重 B.想起 C.考虑 D.思考20.watch over A.当心 B.观看 C.注视 D.看守 五、从ABCD中选择一个正确的答案。1. They have formed a group and began _the matter. A. to look out of B. to
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