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Height身高He is tall.He is short.He is normal height.+He is very tall.He is quite short.He is relatively normal height. Build体型She is skinny.皮包骨的 (negative) She is fat.肥胖的 (negative) She is underweight. 超轻的(negative) She is overweight. 超重的(negative) She is thin. 瘦的(negative) She is plump.圆胖的 (neutral) She is slim.苗条的 (positive) She is stocky. 粗短结实的(neutral) She is slender. 苗条的(positive) She is bonny. 健康的(positive) !Note - if a man is fat (especially round the waist) we often say he has a beer belly.Hair头发blonde/fair hair金发brown hair棕色头发red hair红头发black hair黑头发grey hair灰头发Eyes眼睛grey eyesgreen eyesblue eyesbrown eyesdark eyes!Note! This is a black eye! 黑眼圈Type of hair发型She has long hair.She has short hair.He has no hair. = He is bald. 秃头的She has medium length hair.She has medium length hair.She has short hair.+She has long, black hair.She has short, black hair.-She has medium length , blonde hair.She has medium length, red hair.She has short, blonde hair.+She has long, straight, black hair.She has short, straight, black hair.-She has medium length, straight, blonde hair.She has medium length, wavy波状的, red hair.She has short, curly卷发的, blonde hair.orHer hair is long, straight and black.Her hair is short, straight and black.-Her hair is medium length, straight and blonde.Her hair is medium length, wavy and red.Her hair is short, curly and blonde.+She wears glasses.Type of complexion肤色He is asian. He has light-brown skin.She is black. She has dark skin.He is white. He has fair skin.She is white. She has lightly tanned黄褐色的 skin.She is white. She has very pale苍白的skin.Other features其他特征moustache胡子beard胡须chin下巴forehead额头nostrils鼻孔eyebrows眉毛cheeks脸颊fringe刘海lips唇teeth牙齿Mens Clothes男装suit(s)外衣、西服、套装shirt(s) 衬衫tie(s)领带Womens Clothes女装dress(es)连衣裙、服装blouse(s)短上衣、女衬衫skirt(s)裙子tanktop(s)女背心、无袖上衣Uni-Sex男女皆宜的coat(s)外套jacket(s)夹克t-shirt(s)短袖汗衫trouser(s)裤子jean(s) 牛仔裤short(s)短裤jumper(s) pullover(s)套衫cardigan(s)开身毛衣sweatshirt(s)with a hood 带帽圆领长袖运动衫glove(s)手套mitten(s)连指手套Baby Clothes婴儿服romper suit(s)连裤衣nappy (nappies)尿布Holiday/Leisure Clothes休闲服swimming trunk(s)男泳裤bikini(s)比基尼swimsuit(s) 女游泳衣swimming costume(s)bathing costume(s)Nightwear睡衣nightdress(es)nightie(s)女睡衣pyjama(s)睡衣裤dressing gown(s)晨衣、浴衣、长睡衣Footwear鞋类shoe(s)鞋子sandal(s)凉鞋boot(s)长筒靴wellington(s)长筒靴、雨鞋slipper(s)拖鞋sock(s)短袜
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