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2022年12月英语四级阅读模拟题:基因差异大易成夫妻 【#四六级考试# 导语】多做英语四级阅读可以让你在做阅读理解的过程中,把握正确的阅读方法和阅读技巧,阅读速度大大提升。为了让大家能更好的备考,无忧考网特殊整理了2022年12月英语四级阅读模拟题:基因差异大易成夫妻,详情如下: Opposites Attract in Human Search for Mate When it comes to choosing a mate, opposites really do attract, according to a 8razilian study that found people are subconsciously more likely to choose a partner whose genetic make-up is different to their own. They found evidence that married couples are more likely to have genetic differences in a DNA region governing the immune system than were randomly matched pairs. This was likely to be an evolutionary strategy to ensure healthy reproduction because genetic variability is an advantage for offspring, Maria da Graca Bicalho and her col1eagues at the University of Parana in Brazil reported. “Although it may be tempting to think humans choose their partners because of their similarities, our research has shown clear1y that it is differences that make for successful reproduction, and that the University drive have healthy children is important when choosing a mate.“ Bicalho said in a statement. Scientists said it was not c1ear what signals attract the body to people who are genetical1y dissimilar to themselves, but suggested body odor or even face structure could play a role. Bicalho said the team compared genetic data from 90 married couples with data from 152 random1y generated control couples. They found the real couples had significantly more dissimilarities in MHC. “Parents with dissimilar (genetic regions) could provide their offspring with a better chance to ward infections off because their immune system genes are more diverse,“ they wrote in a summary. Previous studies have suggested animals may use body odor as a guide to identify possible mates as being genetically similar or dissimilar, she added, but other physical factors may also be involved. “Other cues such as face symmetry might play a role as well, but they are still in the field of speculation,“ she said. 基因差异大,简单成夫妻 人们在选择伴侣时,更简单被与自己基因差异大的人吸引。巴西一项最新讨论说明,人们总是下意伊地选择基因构成和自己相异的人做伴侣。 讨论结果说明,与随机配对的伙伴相比,夫妻二人掌握免疫系统的DNA区域中基因差异更大。 巴西巴拉那大学的玛丽亚达格拉萨比卡卢和同事在讨论报告中指出,这可能是人类确保生育安康的进化策略,由于基因的差异性对后代有利。 比卡卢在声明中称:“虽然大家更情愿信任人们会选择相像的人做伴侣,但我们的讨论明确显示,存在差异的伴侣更能胜利生育后代,而直选择伴侣时,这种潜在的生育安康后代的意识很重要。” 科学家称不清晰是何种身体信息使人们吸引到基因相异的人,但表示体会甚至脸型都可能有关。 比卡卢称,讨论小组将90对夫妻的基因与152对随机配对的“夫妻”的基因进展了比照。 讨论人员发觉,真夫妻的主要组织相容性复合体差异更显着。 讨论人员在一份总结中写道:“基因相异的夫妻所生育的后代更不简单生病,由于他们的免疫系统更加多样化。” 比卡卢补充称,此前讨论己证明,动物用体会来识别潜在伴侣的基因与自己的异同,但其他身体特征可能也起作用。 她说:“其他因素,比方脸型是否对称都可能与之相关,但还没有得到证明。” 句型讲解: 1. They found evidence that married couples are more likely to have genetic differences in a DNA region governing the immune system than were randomly matched pairs. 本句是一个复合句,主句是They found evidence。 that引导同位语从句,解释说明evidence。其中governing the immune system现在分词短语作后置定语修饰DNA region。 语法重点:同位语从句,分词短语作定语 2. Although it may be tempting to think humans choose their partners because of their similarities, our research has shown clear1y that it is differences that make for successful reproduction, and that the University drive have healthy children is important when choosing a mate. 本句是一个复合句。 Although引导让步状语从句。后面第一个that引导宾语从句,作shown的宾语,其中it is.that.是强调句型,对difference进展强调。第三个that同样引导宾语从句,作shown的宾语。其中to have healthy children不定式短语作后置定语,修饰 subconscious drive。 when choosing a mate为现在分词短语做时间状语。 语法重点:让步状语从句,宾语从句,强调句型,不定式短语作定语
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