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Unit 1 Hello(第三课时)一 教学内容Cartoon time二 教学目标1. 能熟练运用常用问候语Hi!/ Hello!/ Good morning(afternoon)!Nice to meet you.及答句Nice to meet you, too.2. 能认识两个人物Bobby & Sam.3. 能准确理解文章的意思。4. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养其跨文化交际的意识。三 教学重、难点1. 能熟练运用常用问候语Hi!/ Hello!/ Good morning(afternoon)!Nice to meet you.及答句Nice to meet you, too.2. 能认识两个人物Bobby & Sam.四 课前准备多媒体 五、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Review B. Look and say CCartoon time Dsummary1. Sing a song2. 做一个小小作曲家3. Free talk出示storytime的图片 完成一个小语篇 This is a new term. Mike meets Miss Li at school. Mike say ”Good morning!” to Miss Li. Mike and his classmates say ”Hello!” to each other. They are very happy. In the afternoon, the students are having an English lesson. Miss Li and the students say ”Good afternoon!” to each other.1. Weve know some friends. Who are they?2. Now, we have two new friends. Do you want to know them?Look, this is a cat.Teach catThis is a mouse.Teach mouse3. Watch a video and answer the Qs: whats the cats name? Whats the mouses name?Can you say sth to them? 4. Discuss the cartoon with students and guide students to ask Qs:Who are they?What are they doing? How do the mouse greet the cat?5. Read after the tape and act it out今天我们学到了什么?生动活泼的演唱歌曲学生演唱自己改编的歌曲完成语篇齐读所填的单词Liu Tao, Mike, Yang Ling, Helen开火车个别读 男女生读Sam Bobby Hello/Hi/Good morning/afternoon, Sam/Bobby.跟读并表演六 板书设计七 作业设计1. 课后和同桌表演对话2. 回去想想字母A、B、C、D像生活中的什么物品。课后反思
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