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Section Learning about Language & Using Language基础题.单词拼写1When the man saw the car accident on the _ (高速路), he stopped immediately to offer help.答案:highway2He _ (恢复) himself enough to speak calmly when he gave a speech yesterday.答案:recovered3He was _ (感激的) to have someone to talk to.答案:grateful4Ive finished this magazine. Can I _ (交换) with you?答案:swap5He picked up his _ (手提箱) and climbed the stairs.答案:suitcase6He s_ his son in Shenzhen.答案:settled7Tell me e_ where Mary lives.答案:exactly8They s_ huge losses in the financial crisis.答案:suffered9Can you tell me your likes and d_?答案:dislikes10When you p_ a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on a holiday.答案:pack.选词填空suffer from, pack (sth.) up, get along with, fall in love, join in, recover oneself, settle down, find it hard to (do . )1Having _ everything _, he left with his mother to travel.答案:packed; up2When she was a little girl, she _ with reading.答案:fell in love3At the bad news he was in deep sorrow, but he tried to _ soon.答案:recover himself4She always dreams about _ in a seaside city one day.答案:settling down5If you have time, could you go with us to _ that meaningful activity?答案:join in6The businessman hasnt _ well _ his partners recently, which has a bad effect on his business.答案:got along; with7Because of bad management, his business _ great loss.答案:suffered from8You will _ finish the task in ten minutes without any help.答案:find it hard to.单句语法填空1Dont judge anything about the idea until you have understood it _ (entire)答案:entirely2I found a _ (dust) bag under the bed when I was cleaning up my room last night.答案:dusty3When he travels with his friends, his mother is always _ (concern) about his safety.答案:concerned4We can communicate _ people in every part of the world _ the Internet.答案:with; through5Mary will go to Tokyo tomorrow. She _ (pack) up her suitcase when we went to see her this morning.答案:was packing6He _ (do) hope that you can forget what he has done.答案:does7The poor girl has gone _ such a lot since her parents died.答案:through8She was tired _ hearing about their trip to India.答案:of.单句改错1Spaceships make that possible to travel to the moon._答案:thatit2Trade soon recovered the effect of the war._答案:recovered后加from3With a local guide leading the way, they had no trouble walk out of the forest._答案:walkwalking4In my opinion, he didnt hurt you with purpose._答案:withon5The teacher asked me that I was interested in English._答案:thatif/whether能力题.完形填空My lungs hurt as I struggled for breath. I had been crying so _1_ that I didnt notice the woman passing by. I stopped _2_, saying to her “How refreshing it is!” Then I walked away before she could _3_ the pain on my face.It was midDecember. The park was _4_ with people exchanging their ideas for the coming Christmas. However, in my mind, Christmas was going to be a _5_ day. My husbands _6_ check had not arrived. Our food stamps were almost gone, and the money we had borrowed from my daughter was a memory.I _7_ heavily and decided to walk around the park. I _8_ to have my husband see me like thistears streaming down my face, broken _9_. I walked to the park office where a group of people were laughing and talking. Their pace was slow and _10_. They chose this life.As I passed the park office, a man _11_ as Santa asked me if I would attend the annual Christmas gettogether dinner. I _12_ immediately, saying I had other plans.I wondered if anyone could sense my _13_ as I left the office. On the way back home _14_ flew through my mindWhy had we gotten ourselves into this mess? How could we be both out of job in the same week? Why was everyone else so happy _15_ I felt as if I was living in a jail cell?As I opened the door, I heard music playing on the radio, eggs frying in the kitchen. My husband turned and _16_ a smile, “Hi, how was your walk?” I thought for a moment and realized that each day is a _17_. We often dont get to choose what happens to us, only how we _18_ to itit was a decision. I reached out and smiled at him“_19_! They are having a _20_ in the park for Christmas. Do you want to go?”篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了发生在作者身上的情感转变。因为丈夫的失业金没有到账,食品券也几乎用完了,作者对即将到来的圣诞节持有悲观态度。她在公园散步时,也感觉和周围快乐的人格格不入。但打开家门那一刻,悦耳的音乐和丈夫的问候让作者意识到要快乐地面对生活。1A.anxiously
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