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Old nglih Peiod ngo-axon Pro(5-106)1.he Histo Fro5 BC o410 , the Rmas conqered heland and tranlaed i ivilaion 2.The LterureTwo diiin: ga & ChrstianPagaeSeafare水手; The Fghtt Fiibg芬尼斯郡之战; heWanrer流浪者;Wader瓦登希尔;Te Battl of Maldom马尔登战役Widsith(威德西斯); Te comlint of Deor迪奥的抱怨 Te ifesLmen妻子的哀歌;Ruin消灭are ood exmpes.Bowul, nlndsntil epc.ritng feues not a hrist but a pagan pem of alladncedpagan civilizatin,h e f the trog stress and th preiance of cosonans are ey noable n tis poem. Ech i i ideitotwolve,an echhalfhatheav strsesThe se o alieatonis anotr oale featueand maes resseoreemphatThere a a ot metphors ad undtamet in thipoemAgl-NomnPerid(066-130)The litraure The owh of te Artuiangds Thelegendso King Arturand hs knigts hd exitedasn oral ttin sinc he tim o th Cls. Joh ycliffe (120-184) thefirstmn wo atemptedto raslatete Bibl fro sonorous Lti into nglis. hanne Rland 罗兰之歌 Willim Langlad r awain n theGreen nigt Geofr Chacr (13401400)Chaucrs cribuion t Ensh tertre an Laguagen the “father of Enlishoetry” n th firsostsignficat ot in Engish literay hsory towite n Midde Eglishn h “hroicouplet”n di mh inmaking te ialet of London the founaon forthe morn Engls languge opua Balas大众民谣代表人物:Bsh Thomas ercy 托马斯.帕希主教 代表作:obinHod n Allnaale 罗宾汉和阿林代尔 The RenissaceTh -Eliaatha Peri(1400-1557)masore托马斯.莫尔 Uopa 乌托邦TeliabtanAg Emund Spener (152-19) Te ehardes Caenda ; he FerieQueee Phii Sidne Arai ;Astrphel and lla Chtoper Mrlw lan vers Tambrainethe Gret; he woflt;he rgical Hsory ofDocor Fastusillia Shesper n The most pular n he mos idelyresete wrter n al ElhliteratueComdis:n AMdsumerNis Drm, TeMrcha of Vence,As oukeIt,Twelft NihtTrageds:n Hamlet, Othello, Kn ear, and Macbth.nnet:a“hscal” poet;154in nmber1-2 aresss toa ougman 27152 oa ysterious“Dark Lad 153-54 e transtin adaptains o some reekepiamOfstudies wht sese doeseai make a ull an?Studs ervfor deiht, for rnent, anr iities. But th geral ounls, an hpots and arshalingf ffairs,cm best fo thosetht arlrne. tudes perect atr, an is pected by exprinc.er s n tnd o imeiment i he witbutm e wrought ut by t stde. Stuis can ain(shape) a personchcterd ke u ersodefiincies. Evry efect of heidmaye aspecia reiptTe 17tCenurA Bref Irodctionof th 1th cntun The contradictisbwee he feudl systm nd bourgsin Jams :63-165 poliiclnd relgus tyrannyn Chre I: 1625-1649n Oler Cromw: coonweat protecto: 65-158n Chrl II: 160-6 the estotion Jame I:1685-1688n iia o Orages:1688-2 “Gloros Rvltion”n he Bill f igts 权利法案:169JhnDon代表作:he FleaMeaphal Poeryoly Sonnet 10ngA Valditi:Forbingorn 别离辞:节哀Jhn Milon n the eary phas of readingad lyri ringn the iddle phs of service i th Puran evolutoand thpamhleteeingf itn the t - te geate - hase o pic writingardis L- the eat ecradise Reained; soAgonistes Johnunyan The Pigi Proges( essy)The18h-century Ltrature TheRie of Englsh ovlshe hitorilagrond| omparing with the 1thcetury, th 18thcenturis pri f peaeuldevlm| he costittioalmonarchy has beset uby arlimnt in 1688.| Egand gr fom a seconrate coutry taowfu naval ountryi thiscentur.| Wi the sent fte ourgeoie culrl ife had uegonremarkale chngs.| Te rise ofth Eglis nov.代表作:Danie De RobisCrusoeJathanSwfTh Battleof the Bo; 书籍之战 he Ta a ub; 一只桶的故事 The Dapiers Leter; 布商来信 Aodes Proposal; 一种温和的建议 Journato Stlla; 给斯黛拉的日记 Gullivs ravl. 格列夫游记Satirical faturen wift fferea opprtyofself-srtiny.(自我审视)n Te Lilliputians (小人国居民)and their nsttutions were al about peop and thirinstitutins of ngladn TheBrobdingnagins we icedible Utopans.n The scieniss ad hilosophers represented the xtrem o util thorig an cultis a areaso ctty u s scienc, olitics, andecnicsiththei
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