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【英语】人教版中考英语完形填空和阅读理解经典1一、完形填空1完形填空 When I was a junior high school student in 1980, God gave me a gift. It was happiness. One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a car ran me over and cut off my arms because of its high speed. Several days later when I woke up in the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life 1 arms. How sad I felt at that time!Even I was full of fears. 2 slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldnt get my arms back even though I 3 every day. However, its easier said than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness 4 . I got so much from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a 5 mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates get 6 about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes 7 ; they dont have a mobile phone but 8 have, and so on. But I only enjoy life. I was lucky to realize from an accident: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have 9 . We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy?Someone may say, My whole life would improve 10 I have a new car. But when you get the car, what will happen?For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy. Happiness depends on what we have!Its in our heart. Its a state of mind. Even though you own the whole world, you may still feel unhappy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激)and taking pleasure in what you really have.1. A. withB. withoutC. for2. A. OrB. ButC. So3. A. criedB. laughedC. sat4. A. stronglyB. especiallyC. completely5. A. crazyB. normalC. full6. A. excitedB. nervousC. worried7. A. earlyB. firstC. late8. A. the otherB. one anotherC. others9. A. lostB. hadC. found10. A. becauseB. asC. if【答案】 (1)B;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)C;(7)C;(8)C;(9)A;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作者意外失去了双臂,但经历了痛苦,作者意识到幸福取决于我们的心态。 (1)句意: 意识到我必须在没有手臂中度过余生。A有,B没有,C为了,根据 couldnt get my arms back可知那不回双臂是没有臂膀 , 故选B。 (2)句意:但是慢慢地,我知道我必须面对现实,克服它。A或者,B但是,C所以,根据was full of fear和had to face the fact and got over it,可知是表示转折关系故用but , 故选B。 (3)句意: 即使我每天都哭,我也无法收回手臂。A哭,B笑,C坐下,根据 sadness可知悲伤会哭 , 故选A。 (4)句意: 我花了将近半年时间才完全摆脱悲伤。A强烈地,B特别地,C完全地,根据 treat my life可知是完全走出阴影才可以治愈 , 故选C。 (5)句意: 从那时起,我可以用一颗平常心来对待我的生活。A疯狂的,B常见的,C满的,根据 daily life可知日常生活需要平常心 , 故选B。 (6)句意: 但是在我们的日常生活中,我经常看到我的同学在一些小事上担心。A激动的,B紧张的,C担心的,根据so many people unhappy,可知很多人不开心是总担心 , 故选C。 (7)句意: 他们考试成绩不好;他们的公共汽车来晚了;他们没有手机,但其他人有,依此类推。A早地,B第一的,C晚地,根据上文说担心,故是迟到的会让人担心,故选C。 (8)句意:他们考试成绩不好;他们的公共汽车来晚了;他们没有手机,但其他人有,依此类推。A另一个,表示两者,B彼此,C其他的,此处缺少主语泛指多数,故选C。 (9)句意: 专注于你所失去的是浪费我们的生命。A失去,B有,C发现,根据 We should always think of what we have 我们应该永远考虑我们所拥有的 可知此处是对比指失去的东西 , 故选A。 (10)句意:如果我有一辆新车,我的整个生活都会有所改善。A因为,B作为,C如果,根据 But when you get the car, what will happen但是当你拿到车的时候,会发生什么呢可知此处表示假设,故是如果 , 故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。 When I was 15, I said to my class that I was going to write my own books. All the students nearly fell out of their chairs, 1 me. Dont be silly. Only geniuses(天才)can become writers. And you are getting a D this term. I was deeply 2 and I couldnt help crying. That night I wrote a short, sad poem about my 3 dreams and mailed it to the Weekly Newspaper. To my surprise, they published(发表)it, and sent me two dollars. I was a paid writer! I 4 it to my classmates. They laughed again. Just luck. they said. However, I had tasted success. Because my first poem 5 published. By the time I graduated from high school, I had collected all my published works together. But I 6 talked about my writing to my classmates again. They were 7 killers. And people must always keep on their own dreams by 8 . Later, I wrote a book about 9 I understood and felt about my life. It 10 me nine months to finish it. I chose a publisher(出版商) and mailed my book. I wrote a note 11 it, I wrote this book myself. I hope you will like it. Thank you. A month later, 12 I received a letter, with an invitation for publishing the book. It became a bestseller(畅销书), and 13 into 15 languages. People ask what college I attended and what degrees(学位)I have got. The answer is none. I just write. Im not a genius, and Im not talented. I just write. To all those who dream of 14 , I should say to you, Yes, you 15 be writers! Always keep writing!1. A. laughing atB. listening toC. talking aboutD. looking at2. A. remindedB. changedC. hurtD. hit3. A. st
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