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英语口语中常用的常识表达 【篇一】时间与日期Excuse me! What time is it? My watch stopped.打搅了!现在是几点钟?我的手表停了。Let me see. It”s 9:15.让我看看。现在是9点15分。Is your watch right?你的手表准吗?I think so. I set it by the radio this morning.我想是的。我今日早上跟之声对了时间。By the way, can you tell me what date it is today and what day it is, please?顺便问一下,你可以告知我今日几号,星期几吗?Well, it”s the tenth, and on Tuesday.好的,今日是10号,星期二。 【篇二】姓名与国籍Sir, may I have your name?先生,请问你尊姓大名。Peter Lee.彼得李。How do you spell it?如何拼写?P-E-T-E-R, peter, L-E-E, Lee.P-E-T-E-R, peter, L-E-E, Lee。Which country are you from, sir?你来自哪个国家,先生?Australia.澳大利亚。OK, Mr. Lee, welcome to China, hope you enjoy your trip here.好的,李先生,欢送你到中国来,盼望你能在这里玩得快乐。Thank you!感谢你! 【篇三】打招呼Hello, Tony. Fancy meeting you here. How are things going with you?嘿,托尼。没想到会在这儿遇见你。你最近怎么样?Not so bad. Thanks. And you?不错。感谢。你呢?Pretty good. How are your parents these days?很好。最近你父母身体好吗?Oh, they are fine. They are enjoying their retirement.喔,他们很好。他们很享受退休生活。Oh, good. That”s nice to hear. Well, Im going to a football match. I need to go.噢,好的。听你这样说我真快乐。额,我要去看足球竞赛了。我必需走了。Say hello to your family for me.替我向你的家人问好。Thanks, I will. Bye-bye.感谢,我会的。拜拜。How do i address you?我该如何称呼你?Bye-bye.再见。zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten0-10eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty11-20thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety30 40 50 60 70 80 90one hundred100one thousand1,000ten thousand10,000one million1,000,000zero point three0.3
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