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Golden Teaching Plan for Fun with English 7A Unit3 Part1-1 (2)Unit 3 Lets celebrate!Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Unit goalsl Use prepositions to talk about time.l Use Wh- words to ask questions.l Use some and any to talk about the amount of something.l Make a writing plan for a poster and write about a favourite festival.Vocabularyinteresting, dress, as, dragon, Mid-Autumn, Thanksgiving Day, festival, October, special, call, shout, candy, if, trick, face, tooth, chocolate, hot, drink, food, New Years Day, Teachers Day, National Day, card, rice, film, holiday, cold, spring, summer, autumn, winter, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, December, Sunday, Saturday, meeting, when, why, pencil-case, by, fish, train, coming, money, lion, date, street, time, excited, west, candle, way, light, through, yesterday, warmExpressions1. We have a special party on October 31st.2. We play a game called trick or treat.3. We knock on peoples doors and shout trick or treat. Usually they give us candy as a treat. 4. We always have a party on the evening of October 31st.5. People give presents at Christmas.6.In Canada, it is very cold in winter.Structures1. Whatre you doing? Im dressing up as a ghost.2. Which is your favourite festival?3. Why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival? Because I like to eat mooncakes.4. If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.5. They give us some candy. They dont give us any candy. Do they give you any candy?6. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Teaching goals: To introduce the theme of festivals and celebrations To guess meanings from pictures To talk about favourite festivalsTeaching procedures:Step 1 Presenting(Show picture 2 on page 35.) Say: Look at the boy. What is he doing now? (He is eating a cake.) Look at the moon. How is it? (Its bright and round.) Can you guess why? (Because its Mid-Autumn Festival. It is a Chinese festival. (White festival on the Bb, and ask students to guess its meaning.) On this day we often eat a cake moon cake, because it looks like the moon. (Write moon cake on the Bb and ask students to guess its meaning.)Besides Mid-autumn Festival, what other Chinese festival do you know? (Show picture 4 and picture 6. Then teach Chinese New Year and Dragon Boat Festival.) These three are Chinese traditional festivals. What about western festival? (Show pictures 1. 3. 5 to students, and teach Halloween,Thanks giving Day and Christmas.)Step 2 Practicing1. Read the six festivals.2. Ask what do people do at the Mid-Autumn Festival? to elicit: They eat mooncakes and enjoy the moon. Ask students to draw a table and write what people do or eat for each festival in the table.Mid-Autumn FestivalChinese New YearDragon Boat FestivalHalloweenThanksgiving DayChristmas3. Ask students to look at the six pictures on page 35 and write the names of the festivals underneath the pictures. Make sure that students can pronounce the names of these festivals correctly.4. Ask students to read the dialogue in Part B quietly. Then read out the dialogue to the class. Ask students to read after you.5. Work in pairs. Ask students to replace the underlined words with their own information to talk about their favourite festivals. Choose several pairs to perform to class.Step 3 Presenting(Show the pictures of the comic strip to students.) Point at picture 1 and ask: What are they doing? (Theyre celebrating their holiday. Write celebrate and holiday on the Bb. Ask students to guess their meanings.)(picture 3) What is Hobo doing? (He is dressing up as a ghost. Teach the phrase dress up as and the word ghost.)(picture 4) What is Hobo doing now? (He is dressing up as Monkey King.)Step 4 Practicing1. Listen to the tape with books open.2. Read after the tape.3. Work in pairs to act the dialogue out. And choose several pairs to perform it for the class.Step 5. Doing consolidation exercisesTranslation1. 你最喜欢的节日是哪个?Which is your favourite festival?2. 你为什么喜欢圣诞节?因为我可以收到许多对诞卡片和礼物。Why do you like Christmas? Because I can get lots of Christmas cards and presents.3. 我们一起庆祝万圣节吧!Lets celebrate Halloween together.4. 你在干什么?我在扮孙悟空。Whatre you doing now? Im dressing up as Monkey King.Step 6 Doing Homework1. Read the dialogues on page 34 and page 35.2. Revise the six festivals
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