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机遇与挑战Opportunities AndChallenges背景:毕业后五年。Background: after graduate five years.地点:某地。Place: somewhere.时间:某年某月的某一天的。Time: once upon a dayA:五年不见大家应该都还好吧,我遇到一个纠结的事,你们帮我想想该怎么办?Five years no see, is anybody fine? I have a trouble, what can I do?B:怎么了?Whats wrong?C:难道你跟老婆离婚了?Did you separate with your wife?D:说说!Tell us.F:如果可以,我想大家都愿意帮你!We all want to help you! If we can. A:是这样的,我之前不是在交警队上班么,现在我不想在交警队了,觉得没意思!Well, things going like this, I was used to worked as a traffic police, but now, I dont want to do it anymore, I feel boring. B:哟,你不是一直喜欢做交警的嘛!Didnt you dream to be a traffic police?C:就是就是,上次多靠你帮忙车才出来的。Yeas, last time, rely to your help, can I take my car out.D:其实换换工作也不错,做自己喜欢的事,应该会好些,Whatever changes a work change a life. Do what you like would be better.F:你想做什么呢?What you want to do?A:有家公司现在在搞招聘,我看了下个方面条件我都满足There is a company is recruiting. I think Im meet it.B:去吧,公司钱赚得多。Go ahead, stay in a company, you can make much more moneyC:我想还是别去,隔行如隔山。In my opinion, youd better no to go, after all an interlacing as foster. D:我也觉得不应该换,你看你在交警队做了也这么多年了,换公司不好。I think so, you worked so many years in traffic police brigade. Its not good to change your workF:我觉得现在还年轻嘛,换一下工作也不错,但是你要有思想准备哦,开始新工作可是很累的!We are still young, right? Its not too bad to change a work, but youd better to have a prepared in your mind. To start a new work is very tired.A:哎哟,你们说得我更纠结了oh, all you guys said make me more confuse B:先别急,听听大家还有什么想法Dont worry, do anybody have some ideas?C:我真心觉得你不应该换,不要浮躁,公司虽然钱多,但是失业的风险也不小。I do really think you should not change your work, do not too blundering, however you can make much more money in a company, but it also easier to lose your job.D:是啊,现在经济不景气,很多公司都在裁员,而且倒闭的公司也不少。Yes, now the sluggish economy, many companies are in layoffs, and there are more and more companies are collapsing.F:富贵险中求,既然你不想在交警队继续做,那么你就没有激情,换个工作,说不定能找到你真正想要的生活。!Riches and honor of risk for, as you do not want to stay in traffic police brigade, you must have no passion, change a work may find your really life.A:你们的意思我可以不可以这么理解:留下,虽然不喜欢做了,但是我有这么多年的工作经验和人脉基础;离开,虽然挣钱多,但是有失业的风险!Guys, what your means, I think I got them, to stay, though I do not like it any more. But I have so many years work experience and know so many people. To leave, though I can make much more money, but I may face the risk of los my job.BCDF(同时):对!BCDF: thats right.B:我想你应该知道怎么决定了!I think you know how to do a decidedC:不管你做什么,都是我们的朋友Whatever you do, you still ours friend.D:从警察到商人?难以想象!From a traffic police to the businessman, it is too hard to image.F:好了,剩下的让他自己来决定吧,走,一起麻将去!Ok, leave the decided to himself, let us go to play mahjong.
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