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4A M1U1 知识点整理一、 单词Eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, I-my, you-your , he-his . she- her. It-its, we-our, they-their, Sally-Sallys 二、 词组 good morning , my sister, he name, my brother , only six , Peters classmate, go to the park , a photo of your friend, photo-photos , ride a bicycle, skip the rope, class- classes, student number, ten years old , sit here -stand there , live near our school , walk to school , every day , like dancing , play basketball well , sit at his desk , make a funny mask, ask- answer, put on the mask,- take off the mask, laugh, 三、 基本句型 1 This is my sister. Her name is Sally. 2 This is my brother. His name is Paul. 3 Goodbye. See you. 4 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. 5 She walks to school every day .=She goes to school on foot every day. 4A M1U2 知识点整理一、 词组 Sing a song , climb a tree , count to three, paint pictures, draw a house, read a book , write a letter, swim well , jump high , run fast , hop high , skip a rope, pony- ponies, like swimming very much ,good evening, welcome to todays Super Time, our guest , everyone= everybody, both super, a little wasp , go away , a lovely dolphin,一、 基本句型 1 Can Supergirl paint a picture? No, she cant, but she can run fast. 2 Can he swim? Yes, he can run fast . He likes swimming very much .4A M1U3 知识点整理一、 单词 Happy-sad hungry-full hard -soft , smooth -rough , sweet bitter , afraid -brave, small-big ,. Sharp -blunt , dangerous-safe , large -little, short (短的)-long short(矮的)-tall angry thirsty tired, thin- fat二、 词组 Look at my bicycle have some biscuits =eat some biscuits have some water= drink some water, come in -go out , sit down-stand up , each other, a thirsty crow, so thirsty , too long and thin ,. Some pebbles, have an idea, put some pebbles in the bottle. a cake with cream and berries , a large bottle of lemonade , a piece of toast , near the lamp post , postman postmen, in the post office eat-eating , hi-high(同音字)三、 基本句型1 How do you feel ? Were tired. 2 How does Danny feel ? He is happy . 3 Heres some water for you . 4 Here are some pebbles.
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