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2022英语六级口试考试复习资料(8)Time to get up!该起床啰!A:Time to get up!该起床啰!B:But I still want to Sleep.可是我还想睡.It”s getting late.太迟了。A:It”s getting late.wake up!太晚了。快点起来!B:Ok.I”ll get out of bed right away.好.立刻起来了。Can”t you hear the alarm clock?你没有听见闹钟响吗?A:Can”t you hear the alarm clock?你没有听见闹钟响吗?B:All right.I”ll get up at once.好吧!我立刻就起床了。Wake up and make your bed!起床整理床铺!A:Wake up and make your bed!起床整理床铺!B:Let me sleep for five more minutes,please!拜托再让我睡五分钟啦!Don”t forget to brush your teeth!别忘了刷牙!A:Don”t forget to brush your teeth!别忘了刷牙!B:I won”t,but where”s my toothbrush?我不会忘,可是我的牙刷呢?We need some toothpaste.我们需要一些牙膏。A:Mom,we don”t have any toothpaste left.妈。没有牙膏了。B:I”ll get some later.我晚点会去买回来。Use dental floss daily.每天使用牙线。A:Do you use dental floss every day?你每天都用牙线吗?B:Yes,it is healthy for your gums.是啊。它对牙龈安康有好处。Cover your mouth when using a toothpick.请你剔牙时把嘴遮起来。A:Please cover your mouth when you”re using a toothpick!拜托你剔牙时把嘴遮起来。B:Oh I”m sorry.I forgot哦!对不起,我忘了。
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