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英语交际口语:期末考试Kate: I can”t believe finals will be here in just two weeks. Once again, I”m not even close to being ready! You”d think that by now I”d learn how tp budget my time better.真不敢信任还有两个星期就要期末考试了!我这次还是一样,离”预备好”还差得远呢!你们肯定以为我现在应当学会更好地安排时间了. Mary: welcome to the club! I was doing fine until after midterms. Then I took it easy. Now I”m paying for it. I have three research papers to finish in three weeks. Help! 欢送参加我们!我期中考试还表现不错,后来就松懈下来,现在我可得付出代价了:我得在三周内写出三篇论文,救救我吧! Jason: you”re not alone! I don”t have any papers, but I have final exams and several books to finish before then. That”s not counting all the review reading I”ll have to do either. 不是只有你才这样!我虽然不用写讨论报告,可是我期末要考好几门功课,考前还得读完好几本书,另外复习要看的书还不算在内. K: all my friends are in the same boat. I”m going to have to pull quite a few all-nighters during the next couple of week. 我全部的朋友境况都一样.后面2个星期,我得经常通宵看书了. M: me, too. In fact, (checking his watch), I really have to get going, you guys. I”ve got a hot date 我也是.其实,(他看看表),我真的得走了,各位.我还有个重要约会呢 K: how can you have time for a date when you”ve got all that work to do? 你有这么多书要看,怎么还有时间约会呢? M:with the library. 与图书馆的约会. J: oh, I see. Well, catch you later, Mary. 哦,我懂了.玛丽,待会儿见. K: yeah, Mary. Call me on the weekend. 对啊,玛丽,周末给我电话. M: right. Anyway, see you guys later. 好,回头见. dialogue 2 J: hello, Kate! How are you doing? 凯特你好!最近还好吗? K: fine, thanks. How are you? 挺好吧,你呢? J: fine. How are your term papers? 还好,你的论文写得怎么样? K: on my lord. I haven”t really started them. 天呐,八字还没一撇呢. J: how could it be? They are due two weeks later. 怎么会呢?两周以后就交了. K: I know but I was busy with my part-time job the last few days. 是啊,不过前段时间我始终忙着做兼职,没法脱身.现在只能熬夜了. J: kate, you know, I am thinking of getting a part-time job next year because I really need more money and I don”t want to ask my parents for any more. But I”m so busy! How am I going to work and study? How do you do it? Do you have some good tips on budgeting time? 凯特,我想明年也找一份兼职,由于我真的很需要钱,可又不想再伸手跟父母要.我现在已经这么忙了,到时怎么才能工作学业两不误呢?你怎么安排的?能给我一些建议吗? K: to be honest with you, Jason, I don”t think I”m doing a very good job of balancing my schoolwork with my job. I”m always two steps behind. I”ve got to get back to the dorm and continue writing that paper. Say! Why dont you talk to your advisor? And let me know! 狡猾说吧,杰森,我觉得我的学业与工作兼顾的并不好,老比别人慢两拍.假如你有解决这种”老慢两拍”的方法,麻烦你告知我好不好?我要回宿舍连续写报告了.啊,你可以去找教师谈一谈嘛.记得告知我结果哦. J: my advisor? 找教师谈?
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