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译林版小学英语毕业考试模拟试卷 (命题人:青阳小学 朱思敏)听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(10分)( )1. A. wear B. were C. wore( )2. A. cloudy B. clouds C. cloud( )3. A. messy ( )4. A. wake up B. walk by C. woke up( )5. ( )6. A. a little few C. a lot ( )7. happily fast loudly( )8. A National Day s Day New Year( ) onto into well( ) night week C. tomorrow afternoon二、 根据所听内容,选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(10分)( ) was fun. sounds great. feel very happy.( ) is running fast. is shouting talking happily.( ) does. ,he dont. , he doesnt. ( ) can put rubbish in the bin. must run on the road. shouldnt walk to school.( ) I will. , I wont. , he wont.三、听录音,补全句子。(听两遍)(10分) 1. - will you stay there-Ill stay there fo a . in Australia . 3. Yang Ling her little sister well.4. Bobby, you should _ your toys in _!笔试部分(70分)四、英汉互译。(10分)1.又大又强壮 _ _ 2. just then_ 3.开始,最初 _ down_ 5.返回 _ away from _ 7.健康饮食_ centre _ 9.发现 _ out for _ 五、单项选择。(10分)( ) is this Sunday. They are talking about their plans. A. Childs Day B. Children Day C. Childrens Day( ) was one year old, so he cook. A. can B. couldnt C. could( )3. you go to Nanjing by train next week A. Will B. Are C. Do( ) the UK, people call the metro .A. subway B. underground C. station ( ) afternoon, Liu Tao to the park and the kite.A. goes; flies ; flyed ; flew ( ) use plastic bags and bottles. A. to make B. making C. make ( )7. Wang Bing always his teeth every morning and night. ( ) girl is _. She is laughing _. A. happily;happy B. happy; happily C. sad;sadly ( )9. There a football game next Tuesday. A. will have B. is going to be C. will is ( ) must you on the road-We mustnt run. A. not do B. do not C. to not do六、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)d like (buying, to buy) a birthday present for her.2. Bobby is (looking out of, looking for) some animal stories now.3. My sister likes eating (mangos, mangoes).4. Su Hai (brought, bought) some snacks to the party yesterday.5. He never _(finished,finishes) his homework late.七、匹配题。(5分)( ) woke you up thismorning A. It bit the net with his sharp teeth.( ) she go to Xian next year B. My dad woke me up.( ) did the mouse get out C. We can plant more trees.( ) are they doing D. Yes, she will.( ) can we do to keep our city clean E. They are having an English lesson. 八、按要求改写句子。(10分) 1My sister wants to be a singer.(对划线部分提问) your sister want to be 2. Liu Tao saw some books on the floor.(改否定句)Liu Tao books on the floor.3. Mike is going to watch a lion dance this Monday.(改为一般疑问句) _Mike to watch a lion dance this Monday4每天多吃水果是一个好习惯。(汉译英) Eating much fruit everyday is _ _ _. 5. Ill show you some photos after the holiday.(改为同义句) 九、连词成句。(10分)1. there, it, cant, or, means, you, drink, eat(.) (连词成句) 2. future, what, to, be, you, want, the, do, in() (连词成句) 3. can, the ,safely, how, you, cross, road() (连词成句) 4. is, some, milk, the, fridge, there, in(.) (连词成句) 5. she, has, lessons, always, dancing(.) (连词成句) 十、阅读理解。(20分)A:阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 AAs we know, our city is not clean. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Besides, rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. So we have to face(面对)more and more environmental problems(环境问题). What can we do to keep our city clean We can plant more trees and move some factories away from our city. We cant throw any rubbish on the ground and we should put them in the bin.
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