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【语文公社】www.yuwen520.com所有中小学资源免费下载。欢迎投稿!E-mail:smyww6603126.com QQ:764723079Reading and Vocabulary 请根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. According to the rules of the work you should prefer quality to q_.2. Surgeons have made a great b_ in the kidney transplantation.3. The new city, Brasilia, r_ Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil in 1960.4. Last year my brother g_ from Peking University and found a job there.5. Some scientists like to e_ with small white mice.6. Would you mind if I asked you a _(个人) question?7. The plastic surgeon _ (诊断) my illness as a rare bone disease.8. The two girls, who were twins, were the _ (受害者) of a road accident.9. The farmers are very pleased with the governments _ (农业的) policy. 10. The _ (最初的) owner of the house was the Duke of Wellington.下列各句均有一处错误, 请改正。11. If we across two plants we will produce a new plant.12. They built a better engine from changing the design. 13. Whom was English spoken in the next room just now?14. Great changes have been taken place in our country.15. Ten prisoners escaped out the prison on the rainy night.16. I failed in the examination as a result my carelessness.17. The tailor made a suit by my own measure. 18. A maths problem was discussed when I entered the classroom.19. This kind of rice tastes nice and is sold well. 20. The books written by the famous scientist will publish next year. 请根据提示完成句子。21. 他希望靠卖饮料来谋生。He hoped to _ _ _ _ _ drinks. 22. 由于交通阻塞,他开会迟到了。He was late for the meeting _ _ _ _ a traffic jam.23. 他执政后,为人民做了大量的工作。After he _ _ _, he did a lot of work for the people. 24. 树上的鸟儿朝四面八方飞去。The birds in the trees flew _ _ _. 25. 教授正在实验室做实验。The professor _ _ _ _ experiment in the lab.26.去年那座楼房被改建成了学校。(convert) _27. 当你读完这本书时,请放回原处。(replace )_28. 她用教书挣的钱资助丈夫出国留学。(support)_29. 去年他们从国外引进了一些先进的设备。(bring in)_30. 这支鸟很幸运没有被抓住。(escape)_单项选择31. Hitler _ in Germany in the 1930s,when he caused great sufferings to the world. A. came to power B. came in power C. took power D. got power 32. An expert was _ to give a speech on how to learn English well.A. brought in B. brought on C. brought out D. brought up 33. How are you getting on with your research? Very smoothly. I am going to _. A. break through it B. be broken through C. make a breakthrough D. break it through34. As is well known _ all, Yuan Longping is known _ his rice. A. to; for B. to; as C. as; for D. for; as35. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _, he could neither eat nor sleep. (2005江西)A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise36. His great discovery _ his determination and devotion to science. A. led in B. led to C. resulted from D. resulted in 37. The price of petrol has been _ 20 percent since the beginning of this year. A. increased to B. risen by C. increased by D. risen to 38. As a result of destroying the forests, a large _ of desert _ covered the land. (上海2001)A. number, has B. quantity; has C. number, have D. quantity; have 39. The old woman was diagnosed _ lung cancer by the doctor and her life couldnt last long. A. of B. on C. with D. by 40. Mr Green, who is a member of Labor Party, has _ Mr Brown as President.A. taken place B. taken the place C. in place of D. replacedGrammar1. The heros story _ differently in the newspapers. (2005全国)A. was reported B. was reporting C. reports D. reported 2. A new cinema _ here. They hope to finish it next month. (2001 NMET) A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built 3. John as well as the other children who _ no parents _ good care of in the village. A. have; is being taken B. have; has taken C. has; is taken D. has; have been taken 4. Why did you leave that position? I _ a better position at IBM. (2005北京)A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered 5. I need one more stamp before my collection _. A. has completed B. completes C. has been completed D. is completed 6. George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? No. I _. Did they have a big wedding? (2004湖北) A. was not invited B. have not been invited C. hadnt been invited D. didnt invite 7. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by 2006. (2004北京)A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed8. The nu
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