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第一章 绪论神州数码渠道管理策略研究摘 要随着信息科技的持续发展,IT产品的需求与日俱增。特别是中国“十二五”行业规划确定之后大数据、云计算、物联网等概念及应用得到了更广泛的普及,拉动了IT基础设施建设的巨大投入。与此同时,国际IT企业对中国市场的影响也逐渐增大,加上IT产品本身所具有的生命周期较短、品牌品类繁多、更新速度较快等特性,导致客户对服务和技术的需求日益增多,信息安全、数据集中、系统集成、虚拟化等解决方案的应用更加普遍。这一系列的变化也使得做为中间通路的分销渠道受到了相应的影响。以前被采用较多的简单直接的线性分销渠道模式已不在是主流,以客户导向的分销渠道模式被更多的选择。增值和服务逐渐成为了整个分销渠道价值链上的主旋律。这一趋势的转变使得渠道的选择、渠道的培养、渠道冲突解决的难度越来越大,分销渠道管理策略的问题倍受重视。尤其是国际金融危机之后,众多国际IT制造商都全力争夺中国的市场,也导致了IT产品市场竞争日趋激烈,使渠道体系发生了更加剧烈的变化。客户需求难满足,盈利能力难提高等情况使越来越多的IT分销渠道面临着转型的考验,很多制造商对分销渠道也不得不重新洗牌。对分销渠道进行有效的协调与管理、打造健康的分销渠道体系、稳固适合的分销渠道格局,成为了当下IT产品分销商责无旁贷的重任。本文以中国IT产品市场为研究背景,以中国最大的IT产品分销商为直接研究对象,选择影响分销渠道发展和管理的因素及环境作为研究重点。站在一个分销商分销渠道销售管理人员的角度,通过分析中国IT产品分销渠道的发展现状、趋势与挑战,总结当前众多分销渠道面临转型的需求下分销商所面临的挑战与对策。结合自己多年从事的领域经验,运用国内外先进的理论知识、模型工具,提炼出实用有效的分销渠道管理方法,为国内IT产品分销渠道管理提出重要的可行性建议。相信对IT产品分销渠道管理相关工作有一定的理论指导和现实的参考价值。关键词:分销商;分销渠道;渠道管理Channel management strategy of Digital ChinaABSTRACTWith the rapid development of information technology, the demand for IT products continues to grow in todays society. Especially after Chinas 12th five-year IT industry plan is determined, the popularization of the concept and application of big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things has been speeded up. It attracts the huge investment in the construction of IT infrastructure. But on the other hand, Chinas IT enterprises are also increasingly affected by the market globalization. Such as the product life cycle shortened, product varieties increased dramatically, update speed became faster, customer expectations of product technology and service quality is higher, more and more applications of data security protection and integrated virtualization appeared. These changes also affected the enterprises choice of channels, and channels choice of upstream marketing model. The traditional linear and distinct channel mode has been gradually replaced by the customer-centered mode. The whole value chain of channels are rapidly transforming into value-added services. This transformation is bound to cause the redistribution of the interests, policy adjustment, etc of the IT channels. Especially after the international financial crisis, many international IT companies strive to compete in the Chinese market. It also caused fierce market competition of IT products and dramatic changes in the channel system. In the recent two years, the profitability of most domestic channel has decreased significantly. Thousands of channels are facing the danger of reshuffle and transformation. For IT products distributor, how to coordinate and manage various channels, to create a healthy channel system, and to stable the channel pattern is particularly important. The research background of this essay is based on the IT product market in China. It directly focuses on the largest IT product distributor in China, and emphasizes in the factors and environments which affect the channel development and management. With a view of the management personal who works in the sales channel, it analyses the changes which the distributors are facing in the internal and external environment under the requirements the channels transformation. Combined with the experiences in this field of many years, using domestic and foreign advanced theory, model tools, to demonstrate how to effectively manage and coordinate the sales channel, and to put forward feasible suggestions for the domestic IT channel management. Hope it will have a certain theoretical guidance and practical reference value in IT channel management work. KEY WORDS: distributor;distribution channels;channel management 目 录第一章 绪论1一、选题背景及研究意义1二、本文思路与研究方法2三、国内外研究现状3第二章 分销渠道理论基础5一、分销渠道的定义及特点5二、分销渠道的功能与意义7三、分销渠道的流程和结构7第三章 国内IT产品分销渠道发展现状10一、中国IT分销渠道的发展历程10二、中国IT分销渠道的结构特征13三、中国IT分销渠道管理的新挑战18第四章 神州数码分销渠道管理策略19一、神州数码公司现状20(一)公司介绍20(二)阶段目标20(三)组织结构21(四)经营情况22(五)竞争优势22二、神州数码分销渠道管理策略23(一)选的策略分析渠道类别聚焦合作范围25(二)用的策略细分专业类别体现渠道功能27(三)联的策略完善营销体系提升管理能力36(四)赢的策略强化服务能力提升共赢关系43第五章 结论51一、本文结论51二、趋势展望53三、创新与不足53参考文献55致谢57I第五章 结论第一章 绪论一、 选题背景及研究意义随着IT行业阶段性的快速发展,产品同质化、服务多样化、信息透明化等趋势使得市场需求和制造商诉求发生了新的变化,触发了新一轮的分销渠道变革。新的分销渠道模式的出现也促使IT产品市场的竞争愈发加剧,承载着不同分销方式和市场形态的IT产品分销渠道仍然是各大制造商对IT产品市场争夺战的主力军团。其中IT产品分销商在IT产品市场价值链中一直是非常重要的角色,产品推广、渠道覆盖、承上启下等功能重要性不言而喻。与IT行业发展同步,以神州数码 神州数码控股有限公司,英文简称: Digital China, 股票代码: 0861、联强国际 联强国际集团是亚太地区较大的专业分销商和通路商,针对高科技产业供应链提供整合型服务。、英迈中国 英迈(中国)商业有限公司,属英迈国际集团旗下,国内名知分销商。为首的各大传统分销商在国内份额增长迅速,逐渐呈寡头垄断之势。一方面它们对于中国十几年的IT渠道发展功不可莫,另一方面因传统分销模式受到新的挑战,分销商的发展也受到整体渠道模式变革的重大影响,扩大规模或是提高盈利都重重受困。分销商如何通过提升分销渠道管理能力,以扩大覆盖范围、增加渠道份额、加快流通效率、改善服力能力,已成为当下分销商赖以生存的重要工作。本文以中国IT产品市场为研究背景,以中国最大的IT产品分销商为直接研究对象,选择影响渠道发展和管理的因素及环境作为研究重点,通过分析中国IT产品分销渠道的发展现状、问题和挑战,结合近年来分销渠道模式变化趋势,以神州数码公司分销渠道管理策略为例,分别从渠道设计、渠道管理、渠道激励、渠道评估等维度进行分析,对应如何发掘自身价值,寻求IT产品分销渠道管理未来的发展路径,总结提炼出当下实用有效的渠道管理方法,对IT产品分销商的渠道管理策略得出结论。二、 本文思路与研究方法(一) 研究思路本文在对分销渠道管理的相关理论的回顾与研究的基础上,结合本文的论述主题,建构IT产品分销商分销渠道管理的理论模型,并以此为理论支撑
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