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课题Unit 6 TV programmes Welcome to the unit课时第一课时执教时间复备人教学目标1 知识目标:了解与电视节目相关的词汇; 了解电视节目的分类。2技能目标:学会用英语谈论喜欢或者不喜欢的电视节目类型并说出理由。3情感目标:学会怎样从压力中释放出来。教学重点知识目标+技能目标教学难点学会用英语谈论喜欢或者不喜欢的电视节目类型并说出理由。教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:Free talk 1. Do you like watching TV? 2. How often do you watch TV? 3. How long do you watch TV every day?任务二:Welcome to the unit学习A部分。1、讨论: What types of TV programmes do you know?2、根据课文第79页内容,回答问题。1). Who play the roles in a drama?2). Where is CCTV News made in? 3). How can we see the programmes?4). How are the programmes sent?5). What do you need when you want to change the channel?3、独立完成课本第79页A部分的练习,全班核对答案。Say: Lets look at these pictures. Each picture represents a scene of a TV programme. Sandy is trying to match the scenes with the correct types of TV programmes. Can you help her?学习B部分。1、Listen and answer:Say: Sandy and her friends are talking about their favourite TV programmes. Lets listen to their conversation and find out who likes game show.1) What type of TV programmes does Millie like?2) Why does Millie like watching documentaries?3) What does Amy think of chat shows?4) Who loves cartoons?2、将学生分成五人小组分角色朗读对话,组内就每个学生各自喜欢的电视节目进行询问和讨论,鼓励学生运用以下句型。What type of TV programmes do you like best?/Whats your favourite type of TV programmes? Why?Do you know your friends favourite type of TV programmesI like becauseI like watching because I dont like/dislike because 3、请几名学生介绍他们组成员有关电视节目的喜好。任务三:Comic strips1、Free talkDo you often stay at home at the weekend?Do you get bored with staying at home all day?If you get bored, what will you do?Will you watch TV? Will you keep yourself busy all day?2、听第78页comic strips回答问题:1) Is Eddie getting bored with staying at home all day?2) Why not? 3) Does Hobo agree with Eddie? 4) What does Eddie do every day? 3、跟着录音朗读对话。4、学生两人一组分角色朗读,请几对学生表演。5、鼓励学生用自己的话复述该对话。Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step:Homework1. Remember the different TV programmes.2. Read the dialogues again and again.3. Make up a new dialogue about your favourite TV programmes.教学反思课题Unit 6 TV programmes Reading(1)课时第二课时执教时间复备人教学目标1知识目标:进一步认识和掌握与电视节目相关的词汇、词组。2. 能力目标:1)学会不同电视节目的特征及描述用语。2)将学生自己的偏好和时间安排与电视节目匹配起来。3)提高根据所阅读文章判断正误的能力。3. 情感目标: 鼓励学生拥有适度的、合理的业余爱好。教学重点知识目标+技能目标教学难点学会不同电视节目的特征及描述用语。教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:Warming up (1)Which is your favourite type of TV programmes and why? (2)Let Ss try to say the names of the types of the TV programmes they have known by some photos. The teacher introduce something about them and help Ss understand new words and phrases. _任务二:Pre-reading Say: If you want to find out when a TV programme will be shown and what its about, what can you do?Help the students to answer: I can read a TV guide.Say Millie is reading a TV guide online. A TV guide gives you information about different TV programmes.1Skim the passage quickly and complete the form. TV stationProgrammeAbout whatTime2. 听课文录音,快速阅读课文,回答下列问题。1. Is the weekly round-up in sport all about football?_ 2. Why will this years Beijing Music Award be covered live?_ 3. Why is the film Murder in a country House full of horror and mysteries?_ 4. Why may you feel sad about the programme Tiger watch?_ 3. 细读课文,完成下列内容:A、阅读第一个电视节目内容,判断下列正误。 (1) Once a week we can know the latest information about sports by watching Sports World. (2) If you are crazy about basketball, you will enjoy the programme this week.(3) There are many interviews with the famous football players in this weeks Sports World.B、阅读第二个电视节目内容,完成下列表格。What is on?When and where?Who will attend?Who will be interviewed?When will the results be known?What can the audience do?C、阅读第三个电视节目内容,完成下列填空。The director of the film is_. Who killed the doctor? _. You_until the end of the film. The film is full of_. If you_, do not watch it. D、阅读第四个电视节目内容,完成下列选择填空。( )1. How long is the programme? A. thirty minutesB. one hour C. forty minutes D. one hour and a half( )2. Why did it win an award?A. Because it tells us an interesting story. B. Because it helps us realize how much danger these tigers face.C. Because it is a bit disturbing for an a
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