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上海电力学院本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:家用光伏并网发电系统的设计与优化院系: 数理学院 专业年级: 应用物理学专业2010级 学生姓名: 李红飞 学号:20103166指导教师: 李鹏飞2014年 6月 10日- I -上海电力学院学士学位论文摘 要现代化社会中,人们对舒适的建筑环境的追求越来越高,导致建筑采暖和空调的能耗日益增长。在发达国家,建筑用能已占全国总能耗的30%40%,对经济发展形成了一定的制约作用。本文系统的介绍了家用光伏并网发电系统的设计思路以及理想化优化思路,涵盖了以下内容:光伏发电的基本原理;并网发电系统的构成及每个部分的用途、原理;光伏发电系统的可行性即经济效益和环境效益分析;光伏发电系统设计流程,包括倾角、阴影、系统配置的计算以及系统配置的选择和注意事项;系统配电装置的设计和系统的防雷接地方法。然而,并网光伏发电系统在国内算是新兴行业,对此了解的人并不是很多,部分非专业人士已有的了解也存在一定的误区。本文通过查阅并总结大量相关资料并结合自己的实习心得对并网光伏发电系统的原理、构成、经济效益和环境效益、主要的技术以及系统设计等方面做了一个简单的阐述,希望能够从一个光伏行业新人的角度去帮助更多的人更加容易的了解并网光伏发电系统,同时可以给进入光伏行业的新人提供一定的参考。阅读本文后,可以对并网光伏发电系统有个初步的认识和理解,可以纠正对某些易于混淆的概念的错误看法。关键词:光伏发电;并网;系统设计The Design and Optimization of Household Photovoltaic Grid Power Generation SystemAbstractIn modern society, people in a comfortable building environment, the pursuit of more and more high, leading to the construction of heating and air-conditioning consumption growing. In developed countries, building energy consumption has accounted for 30% of total energy consumption to 40%, formed a certain restriction on economic development.System in this paper the design idea of household photovoltaic (pv) grid power generation system are introduced and the optimization of ideas, idealized covers the following contents: the basic principle of photovoltaic power generation; The composition of grid generation system and the purpose, principles of each part; Photovoltaic power generation system, the feasibility of the analysis of economic and environmental benefits; Photovoltaic power generation system design process, including dip Angle, the shadow, the calculation of system configuration and system configuration options and matters needing attention; The design of the system, power distribution equipment and system grounding method.However, grid connected photovoltaic power generation system in China is the emerging industry, this understanding is not a lot of people, some non professionals already know there are certain errors. In this paper, through consulting and summarizing the relevant information and make a simple description combined with their own practical experience for grid connected photovoltaic power generation system principle, structure, economic benefits and environmental benefits, the main technology and system design, in the hope of a photovoltaic industry new perspective to help more people more easy to understand the grid connected photovoltaic system, provides the certain reference and also can give the photovoltaic industry new. After reading this, you can have a preliminary understanding of grid connected photovoltaic power generation system, the errors can be corrected views on some concepts easy to confused.Key Words:photovoltaic power generation;grid-connected ;system design- III -上海电力学院学士学位论文目 录摘要IAbstractII引 言11 光伏发电原理.21.1 内光电效应31.2 P型、N型半导体31.3 PN结31.4 太阳电池发电原理42 家用光伏并网发电系统的构成62.1 光伏组件82.1.1光伏组件结构82.1.2 光伏组件主要参数及含义82.2 直流防雷汇流箱92.3直流防雷配电柜102.4 并网逆变器102.4.1 并网逆变器的功能:112.4.2 逆变器主要技术112.4.3 逆变器主要参数132.5监控系统143 家用光伏并网发电系统的设计与优化153.1光伏并网发电系统的设计条件.153.1.1设计步骤.153.1.2设计要点.153.1.3设计地点和建筑物条件.173.2家用光伏并网发电系统中太阳能光伏方阵的设计173.2.1光伏组件的技术要求173.2.2太阳能光伏方阵的最佳倾角的确定18 3.2.3太阳能光伏电池板的有效面积确定.19 3.2.4光伏发电系统容量的设计.20 3.2.5光伏组件的电路.20 3.2.6发电系统容量中的光伏方阵数量的计算.21 3.2.7光伏太阳能电池组件外型尺寸的确定.223.3家用光伏并网发电系统中逆变器控制器的设计.23 3.3.1逆变控制器的功能.23 3.3.2逆变控制器的设计要求.23 3.3.3孤岛效应的危害.243.4家用光伏并网发电系统的附属设施的设计.25 3.4.1交流配电系统.25 3.4.2直流配电系统.25 3.4.3电缆的选择.25 3.
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