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初二英语短文改错此题规定改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一种勾();如有错误(每行只有一种错误),则按下列状况改正:该行多一种词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉,该行缺一种词:在缺词处加一种漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该行错一种词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。每行最多只能加、减、改动一种词,缩写算一种词。第一单元(一)Th is Xa Huas bdro . tisot very bi, andits 2. ver bgtXiao Hua lean. h oom eeryay. heree any buif fowers4. and alass ar ntabe5. yocn nd a bgpicre i . th wal Itis a picture for sme7 oyor irs. Over the picture , thers a rond clock, and itsnce d 9 nw, Xiao Hualike her ro vyuch1. (二)tsriay ody Itsfie. Ji1 ad her hree friends ae going to. ee h uncl . Teeareot 3 l trees onis ar So h4. is o uy toickhe apple on5 t.So Jm went tohelp him. every year. h farmi no fr7 from e. Thehie are all8 goingthre nbie he a it god. for her heth are goig o me 10. a e ate o the chool atven olok.(三) Im MrBlac . comrm Enish . m a . Eglis teache. mteach ngishiaidl2. school i Chia. Johnis my son. H isiddleschoo stnt.3. Wer ame school.esgood a s len eles mahs, ad Eglish ut his5. Chinee i not sogo. e often helpsis classmaes for hirEnih. nd is classmats7. hlp h hi hiese. John likes fooball8 and baskbalver muc.John think Chiee ople reve9. frendly. He loe toliv in Chano (四)IsSunda moring. here ar sm1. chldrensnhe ar. Tey ar having. o timeSomeareplayig games3. in igre .Some are sgin, 4 an dancig. obos and othergrs ae5. flying he kie n the il Oer6. ar simin ithelae Where i7. i ei? Hes iing by lake8. whats he din? Shseding bok.9. hereis Mii ? She bhd soe flwe.10. he runig fter a black at.(五)Tdy Katebirtayan s11. yearsold. Hs fes na sr2. Smih worksin hsitlin this3. ity. eoplethink h is aod4. doctor. Kamothis a eachr. Shes vry mu gd eahe . Kat. he brother and ser. N7. he broter studies aschool nChina.8. He speaks Cinee ver godadhas ny. ood frinds ia. Her sister is student also.10 (六)Tsi ur schl ibrary opens 8:001. cok n he morning ds cloedat:302. ihe aternoon . Thre aremuch kind o. oos in thelibry .We ote ome thre to4 borr ndeurn te bokafer he clas5. We canborrowthe boks for ly to6. week.And thresarad oominte 7. librry. W see th bs, th mgaines(杂志) and some ewspaer here every dy, so. w anttae ay of thm ut the oom.10. 第二单元(一) Th booer er i or assates .is1. names is ei His unis ou cer2 He work very hardly Weall lie him. H3. likess too. Hedidnt at schl yeeray.4 is son sill in ed He hato5. sty t the home. Hisso is or classmte.6. So we are goingto ee the aftechool. We are oi obuy ome chocolates(巧克力) to8. hi. Hemut like itbt. Oh! Lit!9. Thats he bll. Letsgo theclssroom.1. (二)Mrseen is a god mthr . nevery morni1. se gts very earl. She deses er augter and thegoes to work ous Se woksi sos facory Is not om. home . B oeim Mr Grekes e. children o schol in he carand th he6 goes to wo nt afternoon M Gre come7. to oe t five clock. The she os spe.She. alwys doeall kindfhoewo .sh goes9 tobedvrylate Wats a good mother sh is!. (三)Mi Joes was techer. Her houswas fa. fo her sol.he aayswalke toherenthe monin2. All pupilin th schoo were ver
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