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关于小学英语教学设计的范文关于小学英语教学设计的范文教学重点:1词汇:season,spring,autumn,summer,winter2掌握句型:Which season do you like best?会用此句提问,并根据实际情况答复。教学难点:掌握句型:会用Which season do you like best?提问,并根据实际情况答复。教具准备:1教材配套课件。2单词卡片。3自制课件。教学过程:一 Warm-up活动一:议论今天天气老师提问:Whats the weather like today?学生根据实际做答:Its warm.活动二:Free? talk- How many seasons in a year?- What are they ?(二呈现新课 Presentation1.New words? 引出新词汇spring,summer, autumn ,winter老师领读,学生跟读。2.Check the words? 1,老师出示生词卡片,要求学生答复。2,老师出示四个季节的图片,让孩子根据图片答复。What season is it ?3Describe? seasons 描绘季节,老师询问:Whats the weather like in spring?学生答复,通过师生问答为学生做示范。同类,描绘其他三个季节的天气情况。4.New sentences 出示本节课重点句子,老师领读,学生跟读。? Which season do you like best ? What is the weather like in spring ?5.Pairwork ?学生练习重点句型。Which season do you like best ?I like winter best .It is cold.?Which season do you like best ?I like spring? best .It is warm.6.Protect our earth? 情感提升,唤起学生环保意识。7.Homework.- 运用今天所学单词,句型,与家人议论你最喜欢的季节.第 页 共 页
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