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英语课堂教学设计案例I can speak English教学分析1 教学内容本单元(英语新标准初中一年级上册Module 2 )围绕体育运动为话题展开教学活动,学习如何询问有关他人的信息或谈论自己能够做的事情,培养学生听、说、读、写的综合运用能力。本单元共分3个课时,Unit 1为第一课时。本课的课型为听说课,授课时间为40分钟。2 教材分析及处理本课时的教学内容需要注意以下几个方面:(1)不要把Activity1 作为机械式的活动,把文字从上面抄到图画下面的横线上。(2)Activity2看图选择题对重点句型的理解不够直观详细。(3)Activity4只有一个正误判断题,信息输出活动太少。鉴于上述几点考虑,笔者根据学生在学习中可能出现的语言障碍,同时为了激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,对教材内容作出了一些调整:(1) 把Activity1改为由老师的相片内容作为牵引,导出了本课的重点。(2) 把机械式的抄词改为猜词活动游戏,不使用汉语翻译法。(3) 把Activity2的形式改为教师重新设计一个表格,让学生更直观理解重点句型。(4) 删除Activity5和Activity6,整合Activity7和Activity8。(5) Activity4增加信息输出活动,训练学生完整表达人物的信息。3 教学目标(1) 知识目标:学习如何询问有关他人的信息及谈论自己能够做的事情。(2) 能力目标:训练学生听、说、读、写的能力及能在同学之间进行真实的相互介绍和讲述所擅长的活动。(3) 情感目标:说话时要尊重对方的习惯,以培养良好的情感。4 教学重点掌握Unit1涉及的新单词及目标句型:(1) parent, can, basketball, piano, tennis, table tennis, ride, horse, welcome, international(2) I / He / She can /cant.Can you / he ? Yes, I / he can. No, I / he cant.5 教学难点(1) 实现语言技能目标,包括听、说、读、写的能力。(2) 完成调查任务,并作出汇报工作。教学设计1 学习者分析本课的教学对象是城市边缘的郊区学校的普通班的学生。他们多来自贫困地区的家庭,学习意识薄弱,自我控制能力差,他们的学习基础参差不齐。很多学生虽然小学曾经学过英语,但是,成绩很差。也有相当一部分的学生以往是完全没有学过英语的。所以,在日常的教学过程中,教师多想办法,多创设适合他们的年龄特征的,能调动他们的兴趣的教学模式,情景寓于教学中,使他们能学中乐,乐中学。2 媒体设计我校是地处市郊的农村学校,设备简陋,没有先进的教学媒体。因而,在本课的教学媒体设计上,老师采用了幻灯片,更快捷、直接、清晰地呈现了图画、新单词和句型;使用了黑板、相片等传统视觉媒体呈现新语言;由于本课是听说课,也采用了听觉媒体录音机。3 总体思路本课采用任务型教学法,发现式语法教学法,学生中心教学法,并把游戏和小组活动贯穿整个教学过程,使学生始终在有语境的操练中掌握教学内容。了解can 和cant的用法,并运用所学句型向不同的同学、朋友咨询情况或介绍自己的情况。通过各种活动,激发学生的学习动机和参与热情,使课堂充满趣味性和互动性。4 教学过程Step 1:Warming-up【时间】第14分钟Show the students one of my photos.T: Look, it is a picture of mine. What am I doing?Ss: Youre playing football.T: Yes, I am playing football. I can play football well. What about you? Can you play football?Ss: Yes, we can. / No, we cant. T: So, what sports can you have? Can you say some?Ss: Run / Swim / Sing【设计说明】(1)一开始,老师拿出一张自己的照片,询问自己在干什么,为下文做了牵引。(2)通过肯定了学生的回答,并介绍了自己的情况,引出了本课的句型。(3)接着,顺理成章地要求学生说出自己的一些情况。Show the students some pictures.T:Look at these pictures. Here are some students. What can they do? Lets play this game together.Ss: They sing a song. / He swimsT: Very good. They can sing English songs. / He can swim【设计说明】(1)教师把原本十分机械的抄词练习改为猜词活动游戏,让学生说出图画的人物在干什么,进而继续引出本课的重点句型。(2)教新单词:can, basketball, tennis, table tennis, piano, ride, horse, welcome, international, parent, 并反复操练。(3)Match the words with the pictures. 这样,让学生直接用英语思考问题。Step 2: Practice【时间】第58分钟ListeningT: Listen to the tape carefully. Look at the pictures above. Check what Lingling can do and what Lingling cant do. Then complete the chart.NamecancantLinglingplay basketballplay footballplay tennisride a horseswim 【设计说明】教师重新设计了一个表格,让学生更直观地理解了本课的重点句型。也通过放录音,完成选择。Work in pairsT: Now, look at the chart. What can Lingling do? What cant Lingling do? Ask and answer in pairs. Two minutes later, Ill ask some of you to share with the class. I make a model first. eg: T: Can Lingling swim? Ss: Yes, she can .She can swim. / No, she cant. She cant swim. 【设计说明】听力训练后,根据表格里的内容,要求学生两人小组进行句型操练。教师在教室里走动,了解学生操练情况,并给予帮助。Sum upT: Now, please call out what Lingling can do / cant do as complete sentences.(eg: Lingling can , but she cant ) 【设计说明】让学生总结说出完整大一句话,为下一步的训练做好准备。Step 3: Presentation【时间】第912分钟T: Look, this is Linda. She is from China. She is ten years old. She can speak English and play table tennis, but she cant swim. What about you? How old are you? What can you do and what cant you do ? Now ,talk with your partner, and then Ill ask you to tell how old your partner is, where he /she is from, what your partner can do and cant do.T: OK. Who can report something about your classmates.? (including your partners or other students.) 【设计说明】(1)此时,老师有意识地引用了另一人物Linda的有关情况,呈现了课文中出现的一些相关的内容,让学生逐步掌握课文要求掌握的知识。(2)让学生讨论问题并进行了报告活动。Step 4: Listening and reading【时间】第1320分钟T: Listen to the tape, then answer two questions.(prepared) Qs: Where are Betty and Tony from? How old are they? 【设计说明】学生在前面已进行了多次句型的操练。此时,在放课文录音前提出了两个问题,让学生集中精神,进行扫听训练。T: Turn to page 9. Look at Activity4. Listen to the tape again and choose Yes or No. Then you and your partner make a dialogue like this: Can Betty ? Yes, she can. / No, she cant. 【设计说明】(1)在次放录音,运用句型进行细听训练。(2)让学生运用句型编对话,使掌握句型更牢固。T: Now, I want to ask two students to say what Betty / Tony can do and cant do, the other students guess who they are. Last, the whole class read the text fluently. 【设计说明】教师让两个学生到黑板前面描述课文中两个孩子的体育运动项目,其他学生根据描述判断所描述的是哪一个孩子,从而训练学生从听力材料中获取有关个人信息的技能。Step 5: Speaking (work in pairs) 【时间】第2124分钟T: Look at Activity7, read the information, make some questions and answer them with the sentences patterns with your partner. One minute later, Ill ask you to share. 【设计说明】要求学生两人小组对所给的信息,运用句型进行进一步的操练。Step 6: Guessing game【时间】第2528分钟T: Class, lets play a game, you can guess who he / she is according to some information. Id l
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