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日语外来语词汇汇总 14reform results, economy, and political system, and culture system, and social system, and discipline check system, and party of construction system reform solid advance, tax, and financial, and price, and administrative approval, and State-owned enterprises, and ecological civilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration in the of decisive role significantly enhanced, Unprecedented burst of momentum and vitality of economic and social development. XI General Secretarys speech in this regard include the reform only when there is no complete, the notes on the 18 session of ideas into the partys spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasing use of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics such as the ability to run the country. 4. with regard to promoting sustained and healthy economic development. Face complexchangeable of international situation and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI General Secretary made China economic development into new normal of science judge, proposed innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept, implementation macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing five big pillar sex policy, vigorously advance supply side structural reform, new concept, achieved has 2013 to 2021 during, Domestic production total annual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier world economic 2.3% of annual growth, on world economic growth of contribution over 25%, tertiary industry accounted for domestic production total share over 50%, eventually consumption on economic growth of contribution rate reached 66%, economic structure adjustment made important progress, development of quality and benefits significantlyupgrade, China economic show out huge of swing room and broad of development prospects. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including economic growth must is real and no water of growth improve open type economic level of hande have see of handre to with good speed up from elements drive, and investment scale drive development mainly to to innovation drive development mainly of change active promoted China energy production and consumption revolution,. 5. with regard to building the rule of law in China. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full advance law ruling, put party of led, and people masters, and law ruling organic unified up, insisted law ruling, and law ruling, and law administrative common advance, insisted rule of law national, and rule of law Government, and rule of law social one construction, full advance science legislation, and strictly law enforcement, and just judicial, and universal law-abiding, China features socialistlegal system further sound perfect, leaders at all levels cadres using rule of law thinking and rule of law way deepening reform, and :(platform)月台,站台 :(plan)计划 :(free)自由 :(print)印刷,印刷品 :(brake)制动器,刹车 :(present)礼物 :(pro)专业(的) :(brooch)别针 :(program)节目,节目单;计划(表);程序 :(page)页 :(bed)床 :(veteran)老手,老练的人 :(helicopter)直升飞机 :(bell)铃 :(belt)皮带,腰带 :(pen)笔,钢笔 :(pek)油漆 :(pinchers)钳子 :(bench)长凳, romoted development, and The ability to resolve conflicts and constantly improve, our . 6. on the building of Socialist culture in China. A country, a nation strong, always supported by culture flourished, the inheritance and development of civilization, without culture to develop and prosper, there will be no realization of the dream of China. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary around nd promote Socialist core valuesChina excellent traditional cultureogy work led right and discourse rightdo has series important speech, main including put publicity thought work do have better for achieved China dream condensed powerful moral support improve national culture soft strength foster and promote Socialist core values youth to consciously practice line Socialist core values Chilhood actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism and the partys important speech on the press conference. 7. promote the reform and development ofsocial undertakings and social management. 18 big yilai, Central insisted put guarantees and improved livelihood as ruling acting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic solution masses most care most directly most reality of interests problem, 3 years cumulative reduction poverty more than 50 million people, equivalent to a medium national population of total, annual added town employment more than 10 million people, starts construction supportability housing engineering near 4 million sets, built world Shang scale maximum, and cover universal of basic medical guarantees network and pension guarantees network, urban and rural residents income continued growth, The lives of the peo
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