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20092010学年度第一学期期中考试五年级英语试卷Listening(听力部分33分)一. Listen and number. 听录音,用数字标出图片的序号。10分二. Listen and choose. 听录音,根据录音从ABCD中选出正确的单词。8分() 1. A. strict B. strong C. old D. young() 2. A. math B. science C. art D. English() 3. A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Friday() 4. A. mutton B. potatoes C. cabbage D. onions三. Listen and circle. 听录音,选出正确图形的字母标号A或B。5分A B A B A B四听短文并填空,选词填空。10分 strongpotatoes active ten tall Monday P.E computertomatoes artMy name is Jack. Im 1years old. My favourite day is 2. We have 3and 4today. We have 5for lunch. 6are my favourite. My favourite teacher is Mr. Li. He is our 7teacher. He is 8and 9. He is very_. Reading and Writing (读写部分67分)五、把同类的词找出来,写在横线上。(12分)milk hamburger fish mutton beef pork tomato potato eggplant greenbeans carrot water juice grape banana apple fruit(水果):-vegetable(蔬菜):-meat(肉):-other(其它):-六. Look and write. 根据汉字写出相应的英语单词。5分1My English teacher is very k -. (和蔼的)2A: What do you have on Wednesday?B: We have Chinese and m . (数学)3We have P.E and computer on T - . (星期二)4T (西红柿) is my favourite food .5I often r_ books.(读书)六. Look and match. 把图形相应内容的句子代号写在括号中。10分1Jack has carrots, cucumbers, chicken and grapes for lunch.2Its my favourite day. We have P.E and art today.3Mr. Hu is our new art teacher. He is very funny.4I have cabbage, mutton and carrots. Theyre tasty.5Id like green beans and fish. Theyre healthy.6Eggplant is tasty. Its my favourite.7Can I have some eggplant and tofu, please?8I often read books and watch TV on Saturday.9I often play football on Sunday.10Its Thursday. We have Chinese and English.七 Look and choose. 单项选择。10分( ) 1 Is she strict? -_A .Yes,I do. B.No,she is. C.No,she isnt.( ) 2. -What would you like for lunch? - Id like some _. A. green beans B. green beanC. bean ( ) 3. What _you? A. are B. about C. do ( ) 4. What do you _ on Saturdays? A. is B. does C. do( ) 5. - What do we have on Mondays? - We have _. A. FridayB. scienceC. fruit( ) 6. Do you have a new teacher?A. Yes, I am.B. No, I dont. C. No, I do. ( ) 7. - _your math teacher?- Mr Zhao.A. WhatsB. Whos C. Wheres ( ) 8. - Whats he like? - Hes _. A. funny B. fun C. principal ( ) 9. - Is she quiet?- _ A. Yes, she isnt. B. No, she is. C. No, she isnt.( ) 10. What _is it today? A. day B. today C. date八. Look and choose.选择相同类别的单词,把序号填在前面的括号内。10分( ) 1. We have English on Wednesdays. A. ThursdaysB. play ping-pong C. violinD. sing( ) 2. He is thin. A. tasty B. footballC. tallD. tofu( ) 3. I like cucumbers. They are fresh. A. eggplantB. Tuesday C. favourite D. healthy( ) 4. I often read books on Sundays. A. principalB. do homeworkC. fruitD. grapes( ) 5. Eggplant is my favourite food.A. do houseworkB. tomorrow C. cabbage D. sweet九、排列正确的顺序,将答案写在方框内。(5分)A、 I often play football . B、 Its Saturday . C 、Hello , John ! What day is it today ? D 、What do you do on Saturdays ? E、 Great ! Lets play together .十Look and choose.读短文回答问题,把正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内。10分 Hi! Im David. Im from Willow school. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I dont like eggplant. Potatoes are my favourite.Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework too on Saturdays. What about you?( ) 1. What day is it today? A. TuesdayB. Wednesday C. Friday D. Saturday( ) 2. What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays? A. Pork and rice B. Tofu and green beans C. Eggplant and fishD. Mutton and tomatoes( ) 3. What is Davids computer teacher like?A. He is tall and thin. B. Hes very funny. He is strong.C. He is so heavy. D. He is active.( ) 4. Does David like his computer teacher?A. Yes, he doesB.
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