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六年级毕业检测班级姓名_温馨提示: Please do it carefully. Come on!听力部分(30分)一、选择你所听到的内容,将其序号填在题前括号内。(听两遍)(10分)1. ( ) A.house B. horse 2. ( ) A. slow B. how3. ( ) A. fair B. hair 4. ( ) A. tomatoes B. potatoes5. ( ) A. nearly B. bear 6. ( ) A. shout B. short7. ( ) A. walk B. wake 8. ( ) A. bird B. party9. ( ) A. food B. foot 10. ( ) A. through B. throw 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三听录音,选择正确的答句。(5分)( ) 1. A. I like travelling. B. Ill visit many places. C. I dont like it.( ) 2. A. By car. B. For a week. C. On Monday.( ) 3.A.Yes, she is. B. No, she wont. C. Yes, I will.( ) 4.A.Yes,I am. B.At seven. C.Seven( ) 5.A.I want to be a cook. B.Im going to dance. C.He will go to Shanghai .四 听录音,填入所缺单词。(9分)The students are about their . Jenny wants to be a . Because many children dont about their teeth. She wants to help them.Helen wants to be a dancer. Dancing people and beautiful . And John wants to be _ _ . He wants to fly to the Moon.We hope their dreams can come .笔试部分(70分)一英汉互译。(10分)1. 过马路_ 2. summer holiday plans_3. 保持我们的城市清洁_ 4. on the pavement_ 5. 保护地球_ 6. a travel book_ _7. 新年_ 8. find a zebra crossing_ 9. 暑假_ 10. follow the rules_ 二选择。(10分)( )1. Why is the bus _ again?A. stoping B. stop C. stopping( )2. Hes got his new bike. He felt _. A. exciting B. sad C. happily( )3.We shouldnt eat _sweets every day.A. a little B. too much C. too many( )4. What _ he _ this morning?A. does; eat B. did; eat C. did; ate( )5. Listening to the Walkman on the road is not _.A. safe B. safety C. safely( )6.You can find Stonehenge in . A.China B.the UK C.the US( )7. You _ watch TV before finishing your homework.A. can B. should C. mustnt( ) 8. Bobby is talking _ his travel plans _Sam. A. with; about B. to; about C. about; with( )9. I want to write an email my father. A.for B.with C.to( )10.-Whats Liu Tao doing? -Hes .Hes . A.sleepy;sleeping B.sleeping;sleep C.sleeping;sleepy三用所给动词的适当形式填空。(11分)1. Look, Yang Ling ( tell ) a story.2. The jacket fits me ( good ).3. Its (rain) here in spring.4. Id like ( play ) football with my friends.5. Wednesday is ( four ) day of the week.6. My mother ( have ) a mobile phone ten years ago. She wrote to her friends.7. Its five oclock now. We _(have)supper.8. Everyone should _(follow) the rules on the roads.9. The cat _ (eat) a bird last night. 10.There _ (is)an apple on the plate yesterday. 11.An old woman is _ (cross) the road.四按要求改写句子。(14分)1. I bought some snacks in the supermarket yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_2. They often do their homework in the evening. (用she替换they)_3. She will bring some water to the classroom.(改成否定句)_4. My mother does the housework every morning.(改为否定句) _5. The man sings well. (对划线部分提问) 6. We will look for some books about animals in the library.(对划线部分提问)_7. have, my, time, breakfast, I, always, on (.) (连词成句) _.五完形填空。(10分)My friend May isnt happy. Because she has too _1_ rules in her family. She has to _2_ at 6:00 every morning. She cant _3_ her friends after school _4_she has to _5_her dog for a walk. She cant watch TV on school nights. And she has to _6_ in bed at ten oclock. _7_ weekends, she has to clean her room and wash her clothes. Then she has to help her mother _8_ dinner. Later she has to go to the Childrens Palace _9_ the piano. She never had any fun. _10_ a pity!( ) 1. A. many B. much C. a few ( ) 2. A. go to bed B. get up C.go home ( ) 3. A. watch B. look C. meet ( ) 4. A. so B. then C. because ( ) 5. A. br
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