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2023年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、- Could you tell me ?- Certainly. In 20 minutes.Awhen will the train to Beijing leaveBwhen the train to Beijing would leaveCwhen the train to Beijing leftDwhen the train to Beijing will leave2、Teenagers would rather_phone calls while businessmen prefer_e-mails to communicatewith each other.Amake; to writeBmaking; writingCto make; to writeDmake; writing3、This is the most beautiful sight _ I have ever seen since I came to England.Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhat4、Paul works very hard and he is one ofstudents in his class.Agood Bbetter Cbest Dthe best5、 popular the Tik Tok (抖音) is!Yes, more and more people in China are using it.AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an6、Please _ the TV. The baby is asleep.Aturn upBturn offCturn on7、I finish my homework now? No, you. Your work is over today.ACant; mustBMust; dont have toCMay; couldntDCouldnt; could8、I left a message to my parents yesterday, but _ of them called me back.AbothBallCneitherDnone9、What are you doing?Im looking _ the Internet for some information for my article.Afor Bat Cup Dthrough10、 _ books do you read every year? About 30, I love reading.AHow much BHow old CHow many DHow often. 完形填空11、 I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the manager of the restaurant came 1 and said that our meal was free. He stood there 2 at me and he seemed a little familiar to me but I couldnt quite remember him. 3 I asked him if he knew me. He laughed and said I had probably 4 him, but that Id changed his life. My friend was quite curious and asked him how Id done this.He said that twelve years ago he 5 a stress (压力)management class that I was giving. I asked the group what their greatest stress was and most of them, including him, said it was their bosses.He said I listened carefully and then took a chair and placed it in the center of the room. I 6 on the chair for a few moments and then I invited everyone to come and do the same. I wanted them to look at the room from up there. After everyone had done it,I asked the group to 7 how the room looked different when they changed their perspective(角度).Then I asked them to 8 their bosses. Was this the same person who had seen their good qualities and hired(雇用)them? Did they remember how happy they were to be chosen for the job? But how did these wonderful people become terrible bosses?He said I looked at him and asked if he had ever said thank you to his boss for the opportunity to make a living. He answered he hadnt. Then I asked him why he hadnt tried being grateful to his boss.He told us his 9 changed that night. He went back to work the next day with a thank-you card to his boss. He said Id 10 him to look at life from different perspectives and express thanks.1AoutBbackConDover2AsmilingBglaringCknockingDshouting3AImmediatelyBFinallyCSuddenlyDFirstly4AdislikedBknownCfoughtDforgotten5AmissedBpreparedCattendedDheard6AsatBlayCstoodDrested7Athink aboutBwork onClook intoDfill out8ArememberBdislikeCrespectDconsider9AjobBlifeCluckDcompany10AorderedBallowedCtaughtDpersuaded. 语法填空12、I love my family very much. It was the 1 (28) of March. My husband was 2 (enjoy) the day off from work and watching me scurry(疾走) about the house. I picked 3 his dirty clothes, put away his work shoes, carried out his popcorn bowl which was 4 (use) for nights football watching, washed the breakfast dishes, wiped the coffee hed spilled and ironed his shirts. It seemed that everything was 5 unnecessary thing he created for me.I found that he was thinking 6 (careful). I wondered 7 he was beginning to realize how 8 (importance) I was for him. Maybe he would offer to help. “I will give you a penny if you tell me what you have thought about.” I said.“I was thinking,” he replied, “that one of the 9 (thing) I like best about you is how you always find ways to keep 10 (you) busy.”. 阅读理解A13、 ASeveral months ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our five-year-old twin daughters. As we went back and forth about what to do next, our girls jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do. “We want to go to the butterfly museum,” said Emily and Hanna.As soon as we walked into the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies. They all flapped their colorful wings.My girls were jumping up and down, a
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