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幼儿英语教师常用课堂用语问候 Good morning. 早上好! Good afternoon. 下午好! Good morning, class. 同学们早上好! Hello, everyone! 大家好! 课程开始及休息 Its time for class. 上课的时间到了。 Lets begin our class. 开始上课。 Lets start. 开始。 Shall we begin? Yes, lets begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。 Please look at me. 请看我。 Lets have a break. 我们休息一下。 Lets have a rest. 我们休息一下。 Break time. 休息时间。 Time is up. 时间到。 结束课程 Thats all for today! 今天就到这儿。 We stop here. 我们到此结束。 Lets call it a day. 今天就到这儿。 Class is over. 下课。 Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。 See you next time. 下次见。 See you later. 回头见 Goodbye. / Bye-bye. 再见。 Give me a hug. 拥抱一下。 Lets sing the goodbye 点名 Is everyone here? 每个人都在吗? When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “Here.” 老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。 Do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名字吗? Is _ here? _在吗? Here! 到! Who is not here? 谁没有到呢? _ is not here. _没到。 Why do you late? 为什么迟到? Whats the matter? 发生了什么事情? Come in, please. 请进。 游戏及活动用语-1 Lets play a game. 我们玩游戏吧。 Lets begin./start. 我们开始。 Are you ready? 准备好了吗? One, two, three, go! 一、二、三,开始! Who is the first one? 谁是第一名? Im the first one. 我是第一 名。 Who is winner? 谁赢了。 We are the winners! 我们赢了。 Who wants to try? 谁愿意来试一试? Its your turn. 轮到你了。 Please follow me. 请跟我学。 Watch me! 看我! I will divide you into two teams. 我要把你们分成两组。 You are the APPLE team. 你们是“苹果”组。 You are the BANANA team. 你们是“香蕉”组。 Really? 真的吗? Are you sure? 肯定吗? Teacher, me! (学生语)老师,叫我! When I say your name, please stand up. 当我说到你的名字,请站起来。 Lets count. “one, two, three” 我们一起数:一、二、三 Louder, please. 请大声点。 Lets form. a line. 我们排成一排。 Lets make a circle. 我们围个圈。 Try again! 再试一次! song together. 游戏及活动用语-2 Better luck next time. 下次好运。 Dont feel bad. You will win next time. 别难过,你下次会赢的。 Quickly! 快! Hurry up! 赶快! Take it easy! 慢慢来! Be careful! 小心! Come on! 加油! Lets jump. 我们一起跳。 Thats it! Keep going! 就是这样!继续! Lets run. 我们一起跑。 Lets hop. 我们一起单腿跳。 Lets walk. 我们一起走。 Lets hold hands. 我们一起手拉手。 Lets stop. 我们停。 Clap your hands. 拍手。 Stamp your feet. 跺脚。 Raise your hands. 举手。 Wave your arms. 摆臂。 Show me your left hand. 让我看看你的左手。 游戏及活动用语-3 Stretch your legs. 伸伸腿。 Stretch your arms. 伸伸胳膊。 Nod your head. 点点头。 Shake your head. 摇摇头。 Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。 Open your eyes. 睁开眼睛。 Read after me, please. 请跟我读。 Open your books and turn to page_. 打开书,翻到第_页。 All together please. 请一起来。 Lets read a chant. 我们一起来念儿歌。 Can you read it? 你们会读吗? Lets sing a song. 我们来唱首歌。 Lets sing a song with actions. 我们带着动作唱首歌。 Yes or no? 好不好? Do you like it? 你们喜欢吗? Lets listen to the music. 我们一起听音乐。 Come here. 来这。 Go there. 去那儿。 我英语老师上课常用语 2010-07-16 22:45:13| 分类: 个人日记 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 1 Lets get ready for class. 准备上课。2 Im sorry Im late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了。3 Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。4 Class begins. 上课。5 Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日?6 Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?7 Whos absent today? 今天谁没来?8 What day is today? 今天是星期几?9 Whats the date today? 今天是几号?10 Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books? 李红,作业本都收齐了吗?11 Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 这是练习本,请发下去。12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me? 班长,能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗?13 Open your books, please. 请翻开书。14 please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12页。15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本。16 No more talking, please. 请安静。17 Attention, please. 请注意。18 Lets have a dictation. 让我们来听写。19 Were going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们要上新课。20 First lets have a revision. 首先我们复习一下。21 Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题?22 Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗?24 Let me see. 让我看看/想想。25 Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如果有问题请举手。26 Raise your hands, please. 请举手。27 Hands down. 把手放下。28 Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我读。29 Listen to me, please. 请听我说。30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please. 请看黑板/屏幕。31 All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我。32 Can you solve this problem? 能做出这道题吗?33 Lets read it together. Ready, go! 大家齐声朗读,预备,起。34 Read slowly and clearly. 读慢一点,清楚一点。35 Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard? 谁愿意到黑板上来做?37 Are you through? 做完了吗?38 Have you finished? 做完了吗?39 You did a very good job. 做得不错。40 Very good./Good try./ Well done! 完成得不错。41 Terrific!/ Wonderful! / Excellent! 很棒!42 Please give him (her) a big hand. 请给他/她一些掌声。43
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