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秋天校园景色的英语作文1.秋天校园景色的英语作文Summer was blown away by the autumn wind, leaving a silence. The originally busy campus seemed to be quiet all at once. They were obsessed with enjoying this “campus autumn landscape painting”.Autumn is a windy season. The wind in autumn is characteristic. Its wind is different from that of summer. The autumn wind is cool, blowing gently on people, not only to shiver. As soon as the wind blows, the whole campus is covered with a gauze dress full of oil painting color, light and thin, but full of picture feeling. The autumn wind with the smell of Osmanthus fragrans in the campus, with a trace of sweetness, drills into the nose, refreshing. Several students walked hand in hand in the campus. A gust of wind swept by, and the pressure and trouble of learning disappeared with the wind.Autumn on campus is unique. The original green ginkgo tree has degenerated into golden yellow. The fruits on the tree are next to each other and crowded. The small yellow fruits are small and exquisite. Because there are leaves as a cover, the fruits are like shy little girls. A gust of wind blows, and the leaves on the tree fall down with funny clatter, such as butterflies flying in the air, floating in the air and landing in a long time. The yellow leaves all over the ground piled on the ground, scattered and stunned, stepping on it, creaking.In autumn, the Xiange lake on campus is the most beautiful. The green lake is as smooth and exquisite as Heshi Bi, which is her quiet beauty. The fish play in the lake and stir up waves. The waves shine in the sun. This is the beauty of her movement. The golden weeping willows on both sides have long braids, and the scorched yellow part of the leaf edge is mixed with the remaining green part, giving her a unique beauty. In summer, there were clusters of white Hawthorn flowers. Now only the yellow dry branches are left, swaying in the wind. The bamboo forest was silent. Theres no big change, just the color is a little lighter. Its beautiful to blend things and scenery!Love the autumn on campus, love her poetry and painting, and love every bit with her.2.秋天校园景色的英语作文In October, we ushered in a beautiful autumn.Autumn came to the campus quietly when we didnt pay attention. The colorful campus makes us intoxicated. In this picturesque autumn, the teacher took us to visit the flowers and trees on the campus.As soon as I entered the school gate and looked forward, I saw a fiery red piece, like a fireball. Whats that? I looked carefully. Oh, it was a maple tree. The maple tree was originally green, but now it turns red. The maple leaf is like a magician. I took off a maple leaf and observed it carefully. There are seven maple leaves, shaped like palms, and each leaf has veins, just like peoples hand lines.Look aside, eh, Ive never seen the leaves on that tree. What is it? I asked the teacher, and the teacher said, “Oh, thats Geranium leaf.” I found that the leaves of Geranium are red and shaped like bamboo. There is a leaf on each branch.Suddenly, another scene came into my eyes. It was a rose. The rose was red. Probably because of the weather, the petals of the rose fell all over the ground. Chinese rose flowers are like fairies, wearing red brocade clothes, landing on the earth and bringing happiness to people.”Look, there are osmanthus flowers over there.” Cried one of the students. We listened and ran like a swarm. Wow, it smells good. Osmanthus just doesnt want others to see it. If we dont follow the fragrance, we really cant find them? The petals of Osmanthus fragrans are very small and light yellow. The leaves of Osmanthus wrap osmanthus in it, just like a mother guarding her children.I like autumn. Autumn has beautiful pictures that people cant forget.3.秋天校园景色的英语作文The weather is cool in autumn. When I get up in the morning, the whole campus is full of autumn. There is only a thin layer of transparent fog shrouding the campus, and the air has become very thin. Its really a good time when the sky is high and the clouds are light and the golden wind is refreshing.When you enter the campus in autumn, you will feel very beautiful. There are scenes everywhere: the runway planning life, the “Dangdang” ringing table tennis table. Every part of the campus exudes vitality, but I love the two small scenes in the campus in autumn.What I love most is the grass in the middle of the runway, which is full of vitality all the time. The grass is not so deep, but shallow, and the grass is not so green. Because autumn is coming, it is yellow and green. If you look at the grass alone, many grass are lying on the ground, resting and relying on the arms of the soil. Only a few sparse roots are still standing, greedily sucking the sun. If you look up to the distance at this time, you will feel that the grass is very lush. At this time, I cant help sitting down and lying down slowly. Only then can I feel th
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