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英语话剧剧本New Years Eve5 人剧本。除夕的传说,一个很优秀的剧本,讲述了除夕的传 人剧本。除夕的传说,一个很优秀的剧本, 说,就是有一个怪物叫“夕,每到腊月的最后一天会出来害人. 就是有一个怪物叫“ 每到腊月的最后一天会出来害人.CharactersMonster who likes to eat people, especially on Chinese New Years Eve ( ) Old lady A whose husband and children were eaten by the monster ( ) Old lady B who comes to help old lady A to fight with the monster ( ) Neighbors C ( ) Neighbors D ( ) Neighbors E ( )Scene ISETTING: C、D、E and old lady A are in the village. 、 、 AT RISE: C、D、E are talking to one another. 、 、C: D: E: monster.Tomorrow is Chinese New Years Eve. Oh, my god! Its Chinese New Years Eve again. ! We must run away today or we will be eaten by the terribleC: Yes, I remember it comes to the village every year. D: And eat all the people. : E: Thats terrible!Old lady As husband and children were eaten ! by the monster last year. C: D: E: Oh, that poor lady who lost her family. She must be very sad. We must tell her to run away with us. Yes, dont let the tragedy happen again.CDE: (Run to the old lady As home) Old lady, Old lady, you must run away with us now. C: D: Yes, take your baggage and go with us. Hurry up, we have no time to waste.A: No, I want to stay here. E: Why? ? A: I want to fight with the monster!It killed my family. I need ! to take revenge on it.C: D: E: No, No, No, its not safe. You wont win by yourself! ! And you will be eaten, too.http:/www.hxen.comCDE: You must go with us! ! ! A: Im too old, and I dont want to keep living without my family. I must kill it before I die. CDE: You are a crazy woman. Just suit yourself. (C, D, E run away)Scene IISETTING: old lady B is at Old lady As home AT RISE: Old lady A is cooking dumplings. Old lady B is knocking at the door.B: Anyone home? ? A: (Opens the door) What are you doing here?You must run ? away with the other neighbors or you will be eaten by the monster. B: eat? ? A: B: else? ? A: children. B: A: B: A: Im too hungry to run. Can you please give me something to All right, all right. (Eating dumplings) Why dont you run away like everyone I want to kill the monster because it ate my husband andBut it is too difficult. I dont care. Do you have any method to deal with it? ? Um, I dont know.B: In order to thank you for giving me this food, I can teach you how to kill the monster. A: Really?How? ? ? B: Well, I know the monster is afraid of the color red and loud noise. So we can stick some red papers on the door and make loud noise to frighten it away. A: So what are we waiting for?Lets do it now. ? B: You are right!Its getting darker and darker outside. ! 获取更多英语六级资料,请登录恒星英语学习网http:/www.hxen.com恒星英语学习网Scene IIISETTNG: Outside As home. AT RISE: The monster shows up in front of As home.http:/www.hxen.comMonster: Ha!Ha!Ha!After one year of sleeping, Im very hungry now. ! ! ! It time for me to eat a lot of people. Ha! ! ! too bad that everybody s Ha! Ha! s It ! runs away. Oh, there is a light in that house, there must be people in it. (Knocking on the door.) Anybody home? I wont hurt you, just open the door. ? (When it sees the red paper on the door.) Oh, my god, its the color red, Im afraid of it. Stay away from me.AB: (Opens the door, and they are wearing red clothes) You bad monster. Now its your turn to feel afraid. (They beat drums and strike gongs.)Monster: A: Monster: B: Monster: A: you. B:Oh, my god I cant take it anymore. Please forgive me. You ate all my family. How can I forgive you? ? Im sorry. I will do anything you say if you only let me go. I think the monster feels very sorry now. Yes, Yes, I m so sorry. Well, if you go away and never come back, I will forgiveYes, and never eat people anymore.Monster: Ok, I promise you I will never eat people and never come here again. (They stop beating drums and striking gongs. The monster runs away and never comes back anymore.) Scene IVSETTING: In the village. AT RISE: A、B、C、D、E are talking. 、 、 、 、C:How did you do it? ?A: noises. D: B: E:http:/www.hxen.comB told me the monster is afraid of the color red and loudWow!How do you know this?(To B) ! ? Actually, Im a fairy. Im here to help you fight the monster. Oh, thank you. You really did us a big favor.B: Youre welcome. Now you dont have to be afraid of this monster anymore. (Everyone is happy and clapping their hands.)THE DNE
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