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最新教学资料人教版英语 七年级(下)新目标英语检测Unit8 Would you like some noodles?一、 听力略二、 词汇(Vocabulary): 共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分A. 根据中文意思写出英语单词。16. I like the in the restaurant.(特色菜)17. We have some bananas.(也)18. My brother Steve mutton.(喜欢)19. Apple juice is a kind of .(饮料)20. What do you have?(型号、尺寸) menuB. 根据图片意思写出英语单词。 Please sit down. Heres the 21 ,.We have some 22 23 , 24 ,and green 25 .三、单项选择(Choose the best answer for the following sentences)共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分( )26. I dont like mutton beef. I dont like mutton , I like beef a lot.A. and, but B. and, and C. or, but D. or, and( )27. Some chicken in the bowl. And some eggs on the table.A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is( )28. Is that apple large ? A. Yes. Its. B. No, its small apple.C. No, it isnt. D. No, thats a small.( )29. Id like some and .A. porridge, vegetable B. broccoli, tomatoes C. potatos, bananas D. French fries, orange juices( )30. Andrew usually has fruit dinner.A. ofB. forC. atD. with( )31. Julie would like TV.A. watch B. watches C. watchingD. to watch( )32. We often eats ice cream in a dessert .A. home B. shopping C. house D. family( )33. - of shoes do you wear? - Size 7.A. What B. What sizeC. What kindD. What color( )34. The oranges in the fruit store are good cheap.A. as B. orC. withD. as well as( )35. Would you like some tea?A. Yes, please.B. No, please.C. No, I dont.D. Yes, I would.四、句型转换(Rewrite the sentences in another way) 共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分36. kind, what, they, like, of, would, noodles(连词成句) 37. She has a strawberry.(用they替换she)They some .38. Nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)Nancy some salad.39. Hed like a medium bowl.(改为一般疑问句) like a medium bowl?40. My phone number is 62885151.(对划线部分提问) phone number?五、补全对话(Complete the dialogue)5分Hello! House of dumplings! 41 Id like two bowls, please. 42 Id like a large bowl and a small one. 43 Id like a large bowl of chicken, and a small bowl of egg and carrot. 44 No. Two glasses of milk. 45 Thanks.Theyre just25. A. What would you like in them? B. How much are they?C. What size bowl would you like? D. Can I help you? E. Is that all?六、完型填空(Cloze test)共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分Mumu is a Chinese boy. But now he 46 in the UK. He lives and 47 with Mr and Mrs Green in London. They are very nice to him. But they like different(不同的) 48 .For breakfast, Mr and Mrs Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables, sometimes they have fruits. Mumu would like milk and eggs, but he wouldnt like vegetables 49 the breakfast time.Lunch is at one 50 . Mr and Mrs Green usually have large hamburgers. Mumu doesnt like 51 . He thinks theyre. 52 . He would like some rice. After that, 53 like some fruits. 54 Mr and Mrs Green usually have afternoon tea.For dinner, Mr and Mrs Green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit. Mumu wouldnt like 55 beef, hed like some noodles.( )46. A. liveB. is C. am D. isnt( )47. A. eat B. haveC. eats D. to have( )48. A drink B. fruit C. foodD. vegetables( )49. A. inB. of C. atD. on( )50. A. clockB. time C. a clockD. oclock( )51. A. themB. they C. itD. its( )52. A. good B. badC. healthyD. delicious(美味的)( )53. A. shes B. shedC. hedD. hes( )54. A. Or B. So C. And D. But( )55. A. anyB. some C. manyD. a lot七、阅读理解(Reading)共15小题,51-60每小题2分,61-65每小题1分,满分25分。A.阅读下列信息,选择正确答案。 Many people like to read the Guinness Book of World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录大全), and some people want to be in it! How do people get their names in the book? They do something new and different, such as (比如)making the worlds largest(最大的) cake with more than (多于)54,000 eggs.For many people, it is fun to make world records. Its exciting. But who eats the cake?While(当时候) some people are making world records, others dont have much food to eat. Hunger(饥饿) is a very serious(严重的) problem in many places. How many old people do not have enough(足够的) money to buy good food? How many children go to bed without(没有) dinner? The answer is “too many”.( )56. How do people get their names in the Guinness Book of World Records?A. They do something new and interestingB. They do something new and d
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